[Gnso-rpm-data] Recordings, Attendance, AC Chat for Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Data call held 18 October 2017at 17:00 UTC

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Wed Oct 18 19:56:16 UTC 2017

Dear All,


Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email. The MP3,
Adobe Connect recording and Adobe Connect chat below for the Review of all
Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Data call held Wednesday,
18 October 2017at 17:00 UTC. Attendance of the call is posted on agenda wiki
page:   https://community.icann.org/x/fZREB

MP3:  https://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-rpm-review-18oct17-en.mp3

Adobe Connect recording:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master
Calendar page:  <https://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/calendar>

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **


Mailing list archives:   <http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rpm-data/>


Main wiki page for the working group:  <https://community.icann.org/x/hY1EB>


Thank you.

Kind regards,




Adobe Connect chat transcript for 18 October 2017:

    Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms
(RPMs) Sub Team for Data on Wednesday, 18 October at 17:00 UTC for 90 minute

  Terri Agnew:agenda wiki page:

  Kathy Kleiman:Great, tx Terri!

  George Kirikos:Hi folks.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Hello All

  Kathy Kleiman:Terri, we may want to delay by our usual two minutes to
allow more people to join.

  Terri Agnew:thank you Kathy

  Paul Tattersfield:Hi everyone

  Cyntia King:Hello beautiful people!

  Philip Corwin:hello all


  Griffin Barnett:I have an SOI update, which you can view here:

David McAuley:I am now on adobe as well

  Phil Marano:I owe an SOI update, and will make it now, then send a link to
the list.

  J. Scott:i am here

  Terri Agnew:if assistance is needed logging into your GNSO SOI - send an
email to  <mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org> gnso-secs at icann.org for assistance

  Jon Nevett (Donuts):Congrats Griffin and Phil!

  Griffin Barnett:Thanks Jon

  claudio:Is there value in also meeting with the Sub-Pro WG leadership,
since our charters are interrelated?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Do we expect URS reps during the meeting?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):3 providers already

  Jeff Neuman:I am not sure how many attendees will actually have
epxeriences with the URS (other than perhaps contracted parties implementing

  Philip Corwin:@Maixim--by URS reps do you mean from the three providers?

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@Philip, yes

  Jeff Neuman:Are there 3 providers of the URS?

  Maxim Alzoba

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):the first is the most popular

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):but all three are fully qualified

  Philip Corwin:Yes--NAF, ADNDRC, and a provider in Italy name of which
escapes me at moment -- but NAF has handled about 90%

  claudio:can also consider inviting WIPO (even though they aren't a current

  George Kirikos:3rd is MFSD

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, at the moment, yes, three (ADNDRC, MFSD, FORUM)


  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):MFSD srl, Italy

  Mary Wong:2 of the 3 URS providers have reps who are members of this
Working Group.

  claudio:thanks, Kathy!

  Jeff Neuman:The first one has 30 cases or so (Asian Dispute Resolution

  Phil Marano:Here is a link to my updated SOI:

  Berry Cobb:ADNDRC    31    ADR Forum                709    MFSD     12

  Berry Cobb:as of June 2017

  Jeff Neuman:The second one (MFSD) has 10 cases?

  Jeff Neuman:Thanks Berry

  George Kirikos:14, Jeff.

  Jeff Neuman:What is the link to the NAF decisions?

yjQ3zp1vGso&s=HFNZ9kqMAJj9yCQbspF6D3xkiL_FKNvcdqjk6nbJDxs&e=  --- select URS
as the Ruleset

  Philip Corwin:To clarify, are the times noted in item 1 of the Notes for
ICANN 60 meetings local time in Abu Dhabi or UTC?

  Paul Tattersfield:Are the GNSO leadership currently generally pushing all
working groups to be more timely?  

  George Kirikos:766 cases there, as of now.

  Berry Cobb:@Phil - Local time to AD.

  claudio:one URS case had over 400 domains suspended:

  Jeff Neuman:Thanks George.  Not too user friendly

  Philip Corwin:Thx Berry

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):not many people know that there could be more than 1
domain per URS case

  Terri Agnew:next meeting: Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms
(RPMs) Sub Team for Data Friday, 20 October at 16:00 UTC for 60 minute

  Jeff Neuman:So 7666 cases right, not names

  George Kirikos:@Jeff: if you use UDRPSearch.com,  and search for "URS" as
the text, it'll capture the URS cases (along with some false positives)

  Jeff Neuman:766 not 76666

  George Kirikos:Right.

  Berry Cobb:The Monday session will provide these types of details similar
to how we review the Sunrise data at last week's meeting.

  Michael R Graham:SubTeam -- Although I do want actively participate,
because of work pressures and the fact I will not be attending the Abu Dhabi
meeting, I cannot volunteer to help chair.

  Michael R Graham:@Mary:  Who are the members of the team again?

  Ariel Liang:Members of the Sub Team:

  Berry Cobb:Kurt Pritz 2 Kiran Malanchandruvil 3              Kristine
Dorrain 4              Lori Schulman 5 Michael Graham 6          Rebecca
Tushnet7          Susan Payne 

  George Kirikos:Bye folks (just came for the first part of the call). Have
a great day.

  Cyntia King:Staff is capable - let's do it.

  Jeff Neuman:Technically ICANN staff should not be chairing (even as

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):flip the coin method?

  Terri Agnew:everyone can scroll themselves

  Mary Wong:Document is unsync'ed

  Jeff Neuman:yep

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):I see the document 

  Paul McGrady:Straw Horse was formally adopted by 100% of the community in
JoBurg.  :)

  Mary Wong:Thanks, Paul - I remember now!

  Jeff Neuman:SOme still use Straw Bunny

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):desiging the RFP with the particular provider does
not look very transparent 

  Mary Wong:@Maxim, that's not what I was saying, apologies for not being

  Mary Wong:I was just saying that if people have suggestions for likely
providers, we can make them aware of the RFP.

  Susan Payne:Maxim, I don't think the RFP would be defined with the
provider - the survey would be

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@Mary, I understand that, I hoped for discussion
with set of providers and not limit to the only one

  Jeff Neuman: am confused....what happened to the original questions we

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, the Charter questions are in Attachment 1

  claudio:I don't think i can see the document for some reason

  Mary Wong:@Claudio, try logging out and in again

  Jeff Neuman:Not the charter questions, the questions submitted to the

  claudio:ok, thxs!

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, can you clarify? The document is what was submitted to
the Council (including Attachments 1 & 2).

  Ariel Liang:@Claudio, you can also access the data request document online
directly here:

  Mary Wong:@Kristine, that is exactly what the Council had in mind, I

  claudio:that worked, thanks Mary

  Jeff Neuman:So the "Purpose and Scope" comes from the previous

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, if you mean the description of this item on the agenda,
then, yes - based on the Council's discussion and directions.

  Susan Payne:sounds good

  Kiran Malancharuvil:I printed it out too Michael! :) 

  Mary Wong:@Jeff, I stand corrected - you're probably referring to
Attachment 2 headings. Yes, that is right - based on the Charter questions.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Q14 needs to contain recent clarifications from
Nielsen, including breakdown of costs

  Jeff Neuman:I agree with Michael....this is too difficult with lots of

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Good point, Michael, I see now
that the questions themselves, in Attachment 1 aren't actually sorted in
Attachment 2.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I support actually sorting the
Questions in Attachment 1 by recipient.

  Mary Wong:Thanks, Michael and Kristine - staff can add that third column
as requested. 

  claudio:agree on need to sort

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Willing to give it a go while
we await a chart.  We don't need to lose time.

  Mary Wong:Keep 'em coming Susan :)

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:+1 to the actual question

  Cyntia King:+ Susan

  Mary Wong:What Susan is suggesting is basically what the staff suggestion
of a "straw [insert thing of choice]" was - it will really be useful, at the
end of this Sub Team exercise, to have a starting set of questions for the
professional to work with.

  Susan Payne:ah thanks Mary - and apologies, I missed the straw bit!

  Susan Payne:isn't that what we'r4e doing Kathy?

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Yes, that's what we're doing.

  Susan Payne:if we don't give guidance to the survey providers what we get
back risks being not as relevant as possible and so costing more/being a
waste of money

  Cyntia King:From experience, professional pollsters requst clients to
provide lots of solid context.  In this way questions generate the most
meaningful responses.

  Mary Wong:@Cyntia, yes and thanks - that is what we are hoping the Sub
Team can provide.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:yes, some questions are a
little squishy.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):I think the most important bit is to make the
questions to be clear enough so non-members of this group can understand

  Paul Tattersfield:+1 Maxim

  Cyntia King:+1 Maxim

  Michael R Graham:@JScott -- Agree totally.  Thanks for clarifying what I
was trying to say.

  Mary Wong:OK, thanks J Scott

  Cyntia King:Pollster will  want context -  they won't need (or even want)
us to write out the  Qs ourselves.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):+1 @J Scott , I think the people who can properly
translate those questions to human language are members of our PDP WG

  Cyntia King:I must 'duck out'for about 15 mins.  Will return afterward.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):Q 8 is better to work with Computer Science students
& Law stundents (programming knowledge and knwoledge of intellectual
property law )

  Berry Cobb:and GDD, and Compliance, and existing RPM vendors like
IBM/Deloitte where we need a data refresh  (not just Berry)..  ;-)

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):going to IBM with request with Q8, part 1 will
double the budget

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):I reffer to page 9 of the shared document

  claudio:that was helpful mary

  Berry Cobb:@Maxim - The arrangement between IBM,Deloitte/ICANN allow for
that and thus far we do not forsee additional costs unless there is
something extraordinary that the WG seeks.

  Steve Levy:Sorry folks, need to jump off. Thanks for letting me sit in.

  Berry Cobb:@Maxim, but you are right, in that specific ask could be
extraordinary.  We need to perform additional due diligence and

  Michael R Graham:@Mary and Subteam -- I agree we focus on 1-6.  Staff to
create column 3 and Subteam members to review Qs and whether they require
clarification for Survey Org and/or draft Column 4 suggested/possible
questions tailored to survey target.

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@Berry, it is a programming idea, quite outside of
the current TMCH design and I am sure that it will be seen as a separate
item with "additional development costs", when all you need is a bunch of CS

  Mary Wong:@Michael, yes, Column 4 (when done) will be what the vendor will
be given as guidance (along, of course, with consultation, calls etc.)

  claudio:@maxim, you may be right, but no harm in asking IBM to confirm ,

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):@claudio., the most important thing will be to
remember that it is going to be "IBM costs" , and might not be relevant to
others :)

  Mary Wong:Got it, J Scott

  Susan Payne:I'm happy with that approach

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Yes

  Mary Wong:We will have the updated table ready for the Sub Team call this
Friday. The task division can then be discussed on the call.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:Can I get a clarification on
the time of the call on Friday?  The last email I have says 1400, but Mary
mentioned 1600 earlier.

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I ask because I think I have a
conflict at 1600 this week.

  Philip Corwin:Just one pre-departure

  Berry Cobb:@Kristine - I have 16UTC on Friday

  Mary Wong:1600 UTC

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:OK, I clearly missed

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:I will see what I can do.

  Susan Payne:yes

  Kiran Malancharuvil:I'm okay with this way forward 

  Mary Wong:Will do, J Scott. 

  Cyntia King:Go Team!

  Mary Wong:That's exactly what we were going to do, Michael :)

  Mary Wong:Great minds etc. :)

  David McAuley:great minds indeed

  Maxim Alzoba (FAITID):bye all

  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:thanks everyone.

  Michael R Graham:@Mary -- Twins from different mothers -- at least in

  Philip Corwin:Excellent work running this call, J Scott


  Kristine Dorrain - Amazon Registry Services:thanks for stepping up J

  David McAuley:good bye all

  Susan Payne:excellent, thanks J Scott

  Ariel Liang:thanks everyone




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