[Gnso-rpm-data] Using Cookies to Allow Respondents Save Progress

Michael Graham (ELCA) migraham at expedia.com
Thu Aug 30 17:57:59 UTC 2018

Thanks for this report. I agree the cookies option appears preferable.

Michael R.

From: Gnso-rpm-data [mailto:gnso-rpm-data-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Ariel Liang
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:53 AM
To: gnso-rpm-data at icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-rpm-data] Using Cookies to Allow Respondents Save Progress

Dear all,

Analysis Group tested two options to allow the survey taker to save their progress and return to the survey later to complete. One is using the numeric passcode, and the other is using cookies.

Beta testers have experienced with both options. The majority of them who provided feedback on this recommended using the cookies option. They believe that cookies would be preferable to remembering a one-off number as long as the cookies don’t capture personal or web-browsing information. Most people are used to cookies for various purposes like this. Writing numeric passcodes on the desk is not recommended way to keep information.

Staff plan to advise Analysis Group to implement the cookies option for the registry, registrar, and TM owner surveys (unless we hear strong objection from the Data Sub Team). Analysis Group also informed us that they can include a note on the entry page of these surveys that says: "When you complete the survey, you may delete the cookie from your browser. This link provides directions for removing cookies from a variety of web browsers (link [pcworld.com]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.pcworld.com_article_242939_how-5Fto-5Fdelete-5Fcookies.html&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=dRzB-YypMqj9AZjlP_sZHORJtVF4M6AI0vip1lbQy10&m=J1nqojk1Y_JmFTqTJK4m-LE3tCFQTYOuB929NFde3CI&s=MoRV-FJlhnJwLEhgODJ783NTClUZqFyxpZmY22QPbvI&e=>). Please note that the directions provided will remove all cookies from your browser. This will remove your ability to revisit your survey answers and will also sign you out of other websites from which your browser has received cookies."

Analysis Group did not recommend using either option for the registrant survey, as it is quite short and respondents should be able to complete the survey at one go.

Best Regards,
Mary, Julie, Ariel & Berry

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