[Gnso-rpm-data] Sunrise & Claims Survey Distribution Plans and Response Rate

Susan Payne susan.payne at valideus.com
Wed Jul 25 14:55:43 UTC 2018

Hi Ariel and subteam
Regarding the distribution of the surveys:
2 – I  think relevant Registrars are those who have signed the RAA 2013 – is there a way to select for this?
3 – my colleague Nick Wood is vice–chair of the marques Cyberspace team and I’m a member of the CITMA committee so we can assist with distribution to those groups.
4. – It’s important that we try to get a spread across the universe of domain registrants.  For that, distributing to customers of a selection of registrars seems to me to be the most diverse target group, provided that they do not self-select who they contact – although, I agree that they may be unwilling to do this.  Contacting some specific registrars to get their buy-in would seem to be the best hope (rather than going via the RrSG)


Susan Payne
Head of Legal Policy | Valideus Ltd

E: susan.payne at valideus.com<mailto:susan.payne at valideus.com>
D: +44 20 7421 8255
T: +44 20 7421 8299
M: +44 7971 661175

From: Gnso-rpm-data [mailto:gnso-rpm-data-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of Ariel Liang
Sent: 24 July 2018 23:08
To: gnso-rpm-data at icann.org
Subject: [Gnso-rpm-data] Sunrise & Claims Survey Distribution Plans and Response Rate

Dear Data Sub Team members,

Analysis Group have discussed with staff the proposed distribution plans and target response rates for the Sunrise & Claims surveys.

Depending on how quickly we would be able wrap up the TM survey, we may or may not get to discuss the survey distribution plans during tomorrow’s call. We hereby relay the information and kick off the discussion about this topic on the mailing list, so all Sub Team members could review and chime in.

We would greatly appreciate your input and feedback!

Thank you,
Mary, Julie, Ariel, and Berry


1. Registry Survey

  *   ICANN Staff to send out the survey directly through the GDD Customer Support Team to Registry Operators
     *   According to GDD, the total number of unique registry companies is about 540; there are about 270 unique registry companies that manage multiple TLDs.
     *   Staff will ask GDD whether they can filter the different categories of Registry Operators (e.g., generic, brand, geographic) when distributing the Registry Survey. If not, AG suggests adding a gating question at the beginning of the Registry Survey, asking respondents to identify whether they are brand registries or not.
  *   ICANN Staff to contact the leadership of CPH/RySG to request help distributing the survey to their membership & mailing list, with GDD facilitating the communication
     *   There are 85 companies in the RySG membership roster: https://www.rysg.info/rysg-membership-roster
  *   Response rate: To render the results statistically significant, the desired response rate is 10% of the total universe of Registry Operators (about 50 companies). Given the current survey length, AG expects to get responses from 5% of Registry Operators.

2. Registrar Survey

  *   ICANN Staff to send out the survey directly through the GDD Customer Support Team to Registrars
     *   According to GDD, the total number of unique ICANN accredited registrar companies (including registrar families) is about 450
  *   ICANN Staff to contact the leadership of CPH/RrSG to request help distributing the survey to their membership & mailing list, with GDD facilitating the communication
     *   There are 107 companies in the RrSG membership roster: http://icannregistrars.org/members-list/
  *   Response rate: To render the results statistically significant, the desired response rate is 10% of the total universe of accredited Registrars (about 45 companies). Given the current survey length and its experience with the TMCH review survey, AG expects to get responses from 5% of Registrars.

3. TM & Brand Owner Survey

  *   ICANN Staff to contact the leadership of CSG/IPC/BC to request help distributing the survey to their membership & mailing list
  *   ICANN Staff to contact GSE team to request help distributing the survey to their relevant contact
  *   Analysis Group to contact Deloitte to request help distributing the survey to trademark and brand owners with validated trademarks in the TMCH and/or their trademark agents
  *   Analysis Group to contact INTA to request help distributing the survey among their members.
     *   Question: AG asks whether it would be more effective if Lori Schulman helps do the outreach to INTA, including helping distribute the survey to INTA’s Internet and Data Protection Committee, as well as MARQUES and CITMA Internet Committees
  *   Response rate: To render the results statistically significant, the desired response rate is 50 companies that are trademark owners. Given the current survey length, AG doesn’t think the desired response rate would be attainable.

4. Actual Registrant Survey

  *   ICANN Staff to contact the leadership of NCSG/NCUC/NPOC/At-Large to request help distributing the survey to their membership & mailing list
  *   ICANN Staff to contact GSE team to request help distributing the survey to their relevant contact
  *   ICANN Staff to contact Registrars to request help distributing the survey to their customers who have registered new gTLD domain names, with GDD facilitating the communication
     *   AG thinks that the registrars may not be willing to participate in this outreach attempt; staff are following up with GDD to check the feasibility.
  *   On each survey for other target groups, AG could ask if the respondent has registered a domain name in a new gTLD and if so if they would be willing to take another short survey (i.e., the actual registrant survey). This could potentially bias the sample of respondents if many respondents from one target group agree to participate, (e.g., if many TM holders choose to proceed with the registrant survey). However, AG could add a question at the beginning of the survey to indicate the respondent’s original target group for the Sub Team/WG to evaluate the results.
  *   Response rate: To render the results statistically significant, the desired response rate is 50 complete responses. Whether the response rate is attainable will depend on how many potential respondents are reached and how targeted the outreach is.

5. Potential Registrant Survey

  *   Analysis Group to use Research now SSI’s online panels to reach potential registrants in North America and English-speaking countries outside of North America (UK, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, South Africa)
  *   ICANN Staff to contact the leadership of NCSG/NCUC/NPOC/At-Large to request help distributing the survey to their membership & mailing list
  *   ICANN Staff to contact GSE team to request help distributing the survey to their relevant contact
  *   ICANN Staff to contact Registrars to request help distributing the survey to their customers who attempted to register new gTLD domain names and received Claims Notice, with GDD facilitating the communication
     *   AG thinks that the registrars may not be willing to participate in this outreach attempt; staff are following up with GDD to check the feasibility.
  *   Response rate: To render the results statistically significant, the desired response rate is 150 complete responses. AG expects that the desired response rate is achievable.
     *   Target respondents are the people who are interested in registering a new gTLD domain name or tried to register new gTLDs in the past, not just the ones who attempted to register new gTLD and received Claim Notice before)

 6. Other Channels (ICANN Staff to coordinate, if appropriate)

  *   ICANN.org announcement
  *   GNSO website announcement / homepage
  *   ICANN & GNSO Social Media Channels (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook)

7. If unable to reach the desired response rate…

  *   If the response rate is substantially lower than the target minimums, it will be very difficult to generalize the results of the survey. The ability to draw conclusions from the results will be weakened.
  *   To help increase the response rate, AG will monitor the survey completion and provide status report periodically, and coordinate with ICANN staff to send out reminders in a timely manner.
  *   If response rate is below the baseline near the survey closing date, any further outreach or “plan B” would be driven by the analysis of whom responded to the survey.

8. Beta Testing

  *   AG suggests having 3-4 volunteers from the WG (members not necessarily from the Data Sub Team and not extremely familiar with the survey questions) as the testing subject for the Beta Testing.
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