[Gnso-ssc] [Ext] Follow up from January 7 Call

Emily Barabas emily.barabas at icann.org
Thu Jan 7 15:21:39 UTC 2021

Dear Craig,

Thank you for the question. It is ultimately the SG/C Chairs that will decide whether a subsequent EOI process will be opened. However, if the SSC would like to provide input on the matter, staff can share this with the SG/C Chairs. SSC members are welcome to share on list whether they think the SSC should provide input to the SG/C Chairs.

Kind regards,

From: Craig Schwartz <craig at ftld.com>
Date: Thursday, 7 January 2021 at 15:01
To: "gnso-ssc at icann.org" <gnso-ssc at icann.org>
Cc: Emily Barabas <emily.barabas at icann.org>, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ext] Follow up from January 7 Call

As I had an unexpected family medical matter to attend to this morning, it compromised my ability to fully participate in the call. I tried to type in the chat when I could.

The only matter for me that isn't clear with respect to next steps is whether or not a subsequent EOI for the CRG will be discussed/conducted to potentially fill the second slot available to the GSNO. Would appreciate hearing from ICANN staff on this.

Thank you,
Craig Schwartz
Managing Director
fTLD Registry Services | .BANK & .INSURANCE
Mobile: +1 202 236 1154
www.fTLD.com [ftld.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fTLD.com__;!!PtGJab4!uyMV3aWykNf-DoXq1QGPxjHxt_KXW3DeRirHU6apmYM31dW42PqxSZGaumiXOcw6N-6AwXPxdw$>

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