[GNSO-TPR] 2024-04-09 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call - Follow Up

Feodora Hamza feodora.hamza at icann.org
Tue Apr 9 18:03:32 UTC 2024

Dear TPR WG members,

Please find below the brief notes and action items from today’s meeting.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 16:00 UTC.

Kind regards,
Christian, Caitlin, Berry, Julie and Feodora

2024-04-09 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call<https://community.icann.org/display/TPRPDP/2024-04-09+Transfer+Policy+Review+PDP+WG+Call>
Main discussion and action items

  1.  Welcome and Chair Updates
  2.  Review WG inputs to CORD Requirements for Initial Report worksheet<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lZLOmNQJKqAsAqxHTv8W5TQeRIm58YvS4vCPIwEdbE/edit?usp=sharing>
     *   BC raised some concerns regarding Rec 2.3 and 2.4. Could lead to confusion and misunderstanding.
     *   Some comments include the lack of rationale.
     *   Cannot Live with comments focus on Rec 2.3, 2.4, 3, 3.4 and 4.
     *   How can WG explain that the aim is not to reduce security levels with some changes but to be adaptive for many business models?
     *   Suggestion: Members could put questions to WG via webinar regarding Recs?
     *   Group 1)a) organised a previous webinar focus on awareness raising rather than answering questions.
     *   Rec 2.4: The working group recommends eliminating from the future Change of Registrant Data Policy the requirement that the Registrar impose a 60-day inter-registrar transfer lock following a Change of Registrant.
     *   WG suggested to remove 60 day lock for change of registrant, BC believes 30 day lock should be by default.
     *   WG discussed the rationale of 30 days? Why that number why not other?
     *   Some members suggested that current Rec 2.4 might cause compliance issues.
     *   Others indicated that no amount of lock will provide more security.
     *   BC doesn’t support opt-out of notification reg Rec. 3 due to security concerns.
     *   BC suggests that for Rec 3.4 that notificiation should occure before change of registrant.
     *   Can live with, but with changes focus on Rec: 3, 3.4, 4 and 17.
     *   Members informed the WG that registrants have indicated to leave because they receive too many notification.
     *   Members point out the importance of notifications due to security.
     *   Initial comments results show the following input to the Recs:
·         (2.3) Keep confirmation to prior/new before change
·         (2.4) Reduce lock to 30 days, keep opt out
·         (3, 3.4, 4) No opt out of notifications, notifications before not after
CAN LIVE WITH (with change)
·         (3, 4) No opt out of notifications
·         (17) Established Relationship concern
·         (17) require record-keeping for removing lock early
·         (17) torn - some satisfied with ER test, others would remove ER restrictions
·         (4.4) Q - clarify record maintenance
·         (1.3) remove second part or require disclosure
RySG (Jim)
·         (3) add ref to Rec 2
·         (4.6) update for consistency
·         (3, 3.4, 4.2, 17) clarity + grammar
·         1,2,3
·         1,2,3,4
·         1,2
·         1, 1.1, 1.2 (not 1.3)
·         2.1, 2.3 (not 2, 2.2, 2.4)
·         3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 (not 3, 3.4)

  1.  Continue discussion of updated Group 1(a) Rec 17 (Established Relationships)
     *   At-Larg and RySG have concerns reg Rec 17.
     *   AT-large considers the “Established Relationship” is confusing and difficult to understand. Reconsider wording?
     *   RySG would like to see changes regarding the record keeping.
     *   WG members suggested to discuss in more depth during the next call.
  2.  AOB
     *   Not discussed

Feodora Hamza
Policy Development Support Manager (GNSO)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: +32 496 30 24 15
Email: feodora.hamza at icann.org<mailto:feodora.hamza at icann.org>
Website: www.icann.org<http://www.icann.org>

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