[gtld-tech] CZDS timeouts / 503 issues?

John McCormac jmcc at hosterstats.com
Sun Apr 24 15:40:07 UTC 2022

Is anyone else seeing an increasing number of timeouts waiting for 
responses, timesouts waiting for authentication, 503s on the CZDS while 
downloading? It has been happening for a while now with some days having 
no issues but others, such as today, having a lot.

Have also noticed a bit of sluggishness in the CZDS while updating or 
checking requests (this was via a different connection).

John McCormac  *  e-mail: jmcc at hosterstats.com
MC2            *  web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount   *  Domain Registrations Statistics
Waterford      *  Domnomics - the business of domain names
Ireland        *  https://amzn.to/2OPtEIO
IE             *  Skype: hosterstats.com

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