[ICANN Academy WG] ICANN Academy Working group meeting - RESULTS

sandra hoferichter info at hoferichter.eu
Thu Jun 25 19:07:06 UTC 2015

Dear all, 


thanks those who participated in the WG meeting here in Buenos Aires.
Enclosed I send you yesterdays presentation, which includes also the evolved
curriculum for the next Leadership Training Programme and the second draft
of the website. I will come back later to this list to follow up on the
Action items (AI below).


During this week I reached out to all SO/AC/SG, asking to nominate their
participants for the next LTP, taking place just before the ICANN meeting in
Dublin. I felt very much welcomed by all groups and the programme received
good interest. Enclosed I send you  the flyer which was distributed in
electronic format, in case you like to share it again with your communities.
Please note: this programme does not provide travel support, but hotel costs
will be covered. So only individuals which have their travel covered should
register and their participation should be agreed among their


Special thanks to those who supported the outreach by sharing their
experiences as former participants.


I hope you all had an excellent time in Buenos Aires!


Best Sandra 


Action Items from the WG meeting:


AI: Laura Bengford + team to revise the first draft website design
accordingly to the input received during the meeting including the following
points (see discussion summary below):


AI: Academy WG to re-focus on aims, objectives and activities of Academy.
Will reconsider need for CWG at a later point. 


AI: Sandra to consider preparing a PPT template for AC/SO presentations. 


AI: SH/HU to work with Incite Learning on structure of program to make it
more global in perspective as well as to consider reducing professional
facilitator to one. 


AI: HU/SH to upload the draft program to the workspace immediately


AI: AL to change application form to "Registration form"


AI: HU/SH to follow up with AC/SO/SG chairs regarding the participants from
at the LTP by sending a reminder email and set a (flexible) timeline. SH to
draft a text.




Von: icann-academy-wg-bounces at icann.org
[mailto:icann-academy-wg-bounces at icann.org] Im Auftrag von sandra
Gesendet: Montag, 15. Juni 2015 20:35
An: icann-academy-wg at icann.org; LTP2014 at icann.org; academy-2013 at icann.org
Betreff: [ICANN Academy WG] ICANN Academy Working group meeting


Dear all, 

with the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires ahead, I would like to invite you to
the next meeting of the ICANN Academy Working group. There was not much
progress or activity since Singapore, mainly because community as well as
ICANN staff where captured with the IANA Stewardship transition process.
Therefore the agenda is pretty much the same as it was in Singapore and
action items as they have been agreed (see below) are not yet all fulfilled.


IT renamed the mailing list to  <mailto:icann-academy-wg at icann.org>
icann-academy-wg at icann.org and it is now active. They copied the
configuration, membership, and archive from the original list and retired
that list. Let me know if you have any questions. 


Wed, 24 June 2015 - 17:00 to 18:30 ART

Room: Atalaya


1.      Integration of the Academy on  <http://icann.org> icann.org and the
linkage to ICANN Learn and other existing programs (Fellowship,
Newcomers...) -  <https://www.icann.org/profiles/chris-gift> Chris Gift,
<https://www.icann.org/profiles/nora-abusitta> Nora Abusitta,
<https://www.icann.org/profiles/janice-douma-lange> Janice Lange &
8d8d828> Laura Bengford (30 mins)

2.	Transition of the Expanded ICANN Academy Ad-hoc Working Group into a
permanent Cross Community working group (30 mins)

1.	definition, aim and structure of this WG
2.	distribution of tasks and responsibilities

3.	Planning of the next Leadership training program (30 mins)

1.	discussion on the next program
2.	application procedure
3.	update on the venue

PREVIOUS MEETING / Monday, 09 February 2015:


I look forward to see many of you! 

Best Sandra 


Action Items from the meeting in Singapore


AI: Chris Gift to revise the landing page  according to the level of
engagement and stakeholder group to allow to access each source and
programme from multiple angles. (Discussion was to have different types of
accessing depending on who you are. The same material is accessible through
different means. Site should have several entries by communities, by
specific programs, not restrictive.)

AI: delete "Academy members". 

AI: Remove Twitter feed and make a list of upcoming programmes (next 5).
Include an evaluation 

AI: Chris Gift to create an evaluation area on the page.  (i.e. quotes from
the community about programmes they attended)

AI: Chris Gift to add 'activities' to page on Mentoring (Mentoring

AI: Chris Gift to consider if convenient to follow a person to see the level
of activity of the person in the site.

AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with ICANN staff on how to name this WG
which is now a standing WG, for example a proposal was made "Academy
Steering Committee".

AI: A sub page incl. an online application form for the 2015 LTP, detailed
criteria and other elements to be agreed on, shall be up and ready by the
Buenos Aires meeting. 

AI: Staff to change mailing list name to ICANN Academy (ensure that archive
of current mailing list is kept)[Sandra Hoferichter]  from
<mailto:at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
at-large-icann-academy-ad-hoc-wg at atlarge-lists.icann.org to ICANN Academy
Working  <mailto:Group at icann.org> Group at icann.org (or similar)

AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with staff to create a flyer for the LTP
and organize outreach during the BA meeting (visiting AC/SO with the help of
former LTP participants)

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