[ICANN-CSC] Agenda and Notes Meeting 57, 19 January 2022, 10 am UTC

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Wed Jan 19 10:44:17 UTC 2022

Dear all,
Please find included the notes of meeting 57.
Kind regards,
Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 57
19 January  @  10 am UTC
Agenda and Notes

Action items meeting 57

  *   Action 01 57 2022: Staff to forward the report to community
  *   Action  02 57 2022: Brett to alert the CSC and check whether something they consider relevant from effectivenss point of view.

1. Roll Call
Meetings is quorate

2. Action Items

Action Items

Action item 04 54 2021

Secretariat to include discussion survey results in agenda February and/or March 2022 meeting

To be included on Febraury agenda

Action item 01 56 2021

Request Holly (email 10 January 2022) to include discussion on need to review of the SLAs on regular basis.

Completed see item 6

All Actions completed

3. Performance IANA Naming Function December 2021

a)      PTI report to CSC December 2021.
100 % - complaint resolved, no comments

b)      CSC Findings PTI Performance December 2021.

Redline version. No questions. Friendly amendment: final sentence should read: The PTI considers the complaint closed. Findings report approved by the members.

Action 01 57 2022: Staff to forward the report to community

4. Update CSC Effectiveness Review

For Information and discussion

New Metrics: Metric 20 opportunity to discuss and introduce item 5

Plan for public consultation it ot conduct webinar by end of March 2022, to introduce Initial report. Targeted audience: ccTLD and gTLD registry operators (direct customers IANA Naming Services)

Next call RT (1 February 2022): RT to discuss and outcomes assessment metrics (achieved, not achieved, Not applicable).

5. Need to review SLAs/Thresholds?
For discussion: At the last meeting ther was a pressntation on IANA Naming Function SLAs & Threshold. As part of the discussion it was raised that one would expect that the SLAs would be reviewed and asked whether they have been reviewed. Question for discussion: should the CSC and PTI review the set of SLAs & Thresholds? ( question has been rasied by Holly)

Informative discussion with PTI Board. Questions: Is ther process for review? Is there a role for CSC with respect to generic review? Goal for raising the topic is that Idea should not to be lost

Response: Not bad idea,  Mention it to effectiveness team.

Action  02 57 2022: Brett to alert the CSC and check whether something they consider relevant from effectivenss point of view.

6. Next Meetings

  *   Meeting 58, 16 February 2022, 18.00-19.00 UTC (topics Discussion survey results, tentative meeting with RT, call for nominations chair and vice-chair)
  *   Meeting 59, 16 March 2022, 02.00-03.00 UTC (Chair/Vice-Chair Election)

7.  AOB

8. Adjourn

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