[ICANN-CSC] FW: ICANN78 | NOTES CSC | 22 October 2023

Bart Boswinkel bart.boswinkel at icann.org
Wed Nov 15 17:42:09 UTC 2023

Dear all,
Please find included the notes from the CSC meeting during Hamburg meeting (ICANN78),as take by our colleague  Joke Braeken
Unfortunately I did only forwarded these notes just to myself☹ (apologies).
Kind regards,

Subject: ICANN78 | NOTES CSC | 22 October 2023

ICANN78 | NOTES CSC | 22 October 2023

  1.  Welcome

By Brett

We are quorate

2.            Action items

3.            Performance iana naming function august 2023

a.            Pti report to CSC

Amy: 100% SLAs

b.    CSC findings PTI performance

Jennifer circulated draft report.

No questions or comments

Brett: congratulations to PTI

Propose to approve the reports. No objections


Action item for staff to circulate as usual

4.            Completion CSC membership selection process & onboarding

Onboarding completed. Alternates appointed.

5.            AOB


6.            Adjourn CSC meeting


Meeting CSC & PTI and PTI Board

  1.  Welcome and tour de table

Kim: PTI Board, at least one member is on the way. Another will join shortly.

2.            Overview naming performance SLAs

Presentation by Kim Davies

  *   introduction

Real-time performance metrics published


  *   Creation process

IANA stewardship transition. Design Team A.

Concern for IANA to hide performance problems

Explain why we measure minor processes.

5 categories of root change requests. Easy and quick to complicated. Time and expectations are different. A transfer is a business process that takes months. Different exercise to day to day updates.

  *   Category 1: routine
  *   Category 2: no impact to root zone
  *   Category 3: create or transfer a gTLD
  *   Category 4: creating or transferring a ccTLD
  *   Category 5: other change requests

e.g. deleting a TLD, or a root server update

Concluding thoughts:

Some measures do not appear useful

Considerable effort to change them

Brett: gives the CSC some input. No changes for changes sake.

Will develop a framework. Save views from PTI, PTI Board and CSC. We will continue discussions online in future meetings.

Bart: summary paraphrasing procedure to change SLAs. CSC findings around review team report included. Result of conversation with PTI Board and CSC. hence idea of SLA changes.

Regarding the procedure: 2 steps

  *   Does the SLA need to be changed? Conversation between PTI and CSC.

Ensure you do not go lightly down the path of changes

Categorisation reflected in the need to inform  the community of changes. All inform a public consultation of the community.

>> Question: should the categories be expanded and include a new category? (change of multiple related SLAs)

Milton: item is meaningful and important, but damaging missing of the thresholds. Bad performance from one tld operator. Do you have a complaint process? New SLA item?

Bart: always in findings report. One of the areas where the CSC may use complaints to understand whether there is a systemic performance issue.

Fred: sometimes we have so few data points. Normally we should only measure the PTI performance. A few months ago we missed a few SLAs. the measurements took into account time of the requestor. We sometimes did not measure completely correctly.

Brett: Agree. But we are going off topic. Some SLAs no longer need to be measured.

Rick: More category level things. Swiss cheese set of SLAs. Look at the process for doing it. Adding more category flexibility to address the concerns Fred raised.

Brett: agreed.

Liman: step carefully. Up to ccNSO and RySG to set the SLAs. not this group. Major overhaul? Please be careful

Brett: any changes need to be signed off by both groups

Bart: elements that need public consultation. Expanding, not diminishing

Liman: ok. I misunderstood

Brett: 2 voices in the room

  *   Yes
  *   No dissenting voices

So, take that as a positive for that question

3.            AOB

Kim: annually meeting between CSC and PTI Board

Apologies for late arrival of some PTI board members, and other topics on the agenda. Schedule an engagement at a later date? This is valuable

Bart: yes. Both have role in the exchange process. Both are important and need to agree to the change

Brett: staff to organise a meeting between CSC and PTI in the next 6 weeks.

Thank you all. Bye

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