[ICANN-CSC] Draft Agenda meeting 74- 20 September 2023, 10.00 UTC

Rick Wilhelm Rwilhelm at PIR.org
Thu Sep 14 10:03:09 UTC 2023

I need to provide my apologies for this meeting as I will be on PTO.

For some reason, I thought it was booked for today, 14 September at 1000 UTC… and was starting to look for the zoom link.

I will be looking forward to seeing everyone in Hamburg.


From: ICANN-CSC <icann-csc-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Bart Boswinkel via ICANN-CSC <icann-csc at icann.org>
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 5:45 AM
To: icann-csc at icann.org <icann-csc at icann.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ICANN-CSC] Draft Agenda meeting 74- 20 September 2023, 10.00 UTC
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Dear all,
Please find included the draft agenda for the upcoming CSC meeting,
Kind regards,

Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Meeting 74
20 September2023 | 10.00 UTC – 11.00 UTC
Draft Agenda

  1.  Welcome & Roll Call

2. Action Items

Action Items
Action item 02 70 2023

Schedule table top exercise at next community forum (ICANN79) or 2024 AGM ( ICANN81)

To be scheduled for ICANN81
Action item 03 70 2023

CSC to develop formal communication templates. Goal is to discuss first strawman by ICANN78 (Hamburg meeting)

Start date Juky 2024 - to be completed by ICANN81
Action item 01- 73-2023

Staff to circulate CSC Findings report July 2023

Action item 02-73 2023

Include technical test procedures in substantive review of SLAs

Awaiting review of SLAs (see item 5)
Action item 03-73 2023

Schedule On-boarding membership (include alternates)

see item 4
Action item 04-73 2023

Formal vote on new Procedures on-line


3. Performance IANA Naming Function August 2023

a)    PTI report to CSC August 2023.
Amy circulated PTI performance report 8 September 2023 by email

b)    CSC Findings PTI Performance August 2023.
Jennifer circulated draft Findings July 2023 by email on 9 September 2023

4. Completion CSC membership selection process & onboarding Alternates

Proposal is to schedule on-boarding Alternates prior to ICANN78, staff to send out Doodle poll.

5. Preparing discussion on SLA changes

Confirm goals of the ICANN78 in person meeting of the CSC with PTI and PTI Board:

  *   Discuss the principles to include in framework for general review of SLAs and
  *   Initiate the introduce the SLA’s as currently defined, to start the substantive discussion

During meeting 74 ( September meeting), the CSC is expected to identify principles it may want to include in framework:

  *   The CSCs effectiveness RT already identified that the direct customers , need to be informed the CSC and PTI intend to review the SLA, be consulted and the ccNSO and RySG/GNSO Council need to sign off on proposed changes, before formal adoption by PTI following its own processes.
  *   According to current processes PTI is expected to undertake impact assessment of proposed changes, before any public (see Section II, 1 https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/iana-naming-function-sla-amendment-process-28mar19-en.pdf<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/7Dg7CjRNX8iG06XUWB5rQ?domain=icann.org>).

With respect to introduction of SLA and review itself, under assumption a general process will be adopted, it is proposed that PTI provides a high-level overview of the SLAs at the Hamburg meeting, and a full discussion will follow at two sessions during ICANN79 ( March 2024).

Background material:

  *   CSC Effectiveness Review Final Report<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/JtSpCkRNY7iXvLjIVTgU3?domain=community.icann.org> , section 5 Additional Topics
  *   Process for Amending IANA Service Level Agreements<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/7Dg7CjRNX8iG06XUWB5rQ?domain=icann.org>
  *   Procedure to change Process (same document)
  *   IANA Naming Function Contract<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/v7SOClYNZ7CPl98FyR3l8?domain=icann.org>
  *   IANA Naming Function Service Levels| IANA Naming Function Contract Annex A section 2<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/v7SOClYNZ7CPl98FyR3l8?domain=icann.org>

  1.  Next Meetings

  *   Meeting 75 | 22 October 2023 , Block 5 (16.30-17.30, LOCAL, CET), meeting with PTI, PTI Board. Kick-off discussion Framework for general review IANA Naming Function SLAs

  1.  AOB

8.  Adjourn

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