[ietf-charsets] [IANA #1366119] Fix links for International Register of Coded Charater Sets to be Used with Escape Sequences

Sabrina Tanamal via RT iana-matrix at iana.org
Thu Jun 6 19:41:42 UTC 2024

Hi Martin, 

Thank you for reporting this. We've updated the link for ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences to point to https://itscj.ipsj.or.jp/english/vbcqpr00000004qn-att/ISO-IR.pdf. Please see


Best regards, 

Sabrina Tanamal
Lead IANA Services Specialist

On Tue Jun 04 23:47:37 2024, duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp wrote:
> Dear IANA,
> I'm writing to you as the designated Expert for Character Sets
> (https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml).
> I found out that the links 
> (https://www.itscj-ipsj.jp/custom_contents/cms/linkfile/ISO-IR.pdf) for 
> the text
> [ISO-IR: International Register of Escape Sequences]
> appearing close to 80 times on the above page are to a site that no 
> longer exists.
> The reason seems to be that at some point in time,
> www.itscj-ipsj.jp was moved to itscj.ipsj.or.jp, and the site was 
> reorganized.
> I found the relevant document at
> https://itscj.ipsj.or.jp/english/vbcqpr00000004qn-att/ISO-IR.pdf
> so this is the link you should use.
> I can also contact ITSCJ to tell them that we depend on their registry, 
> and they shouldn't move it around without notifying us. But my guess is 
> that they will agree but later forget. This happens on average in 
> organizations around the world.
> Regards,    Martin.

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