[NCAP-Discuss] Additional comments on the comments to the Scarfone Draft

Danny McPherson danny at tcb.net
Thu May 7 00:20:57 UTC 2020

> On May 6, 2020, at 7:44 PM, Rubens Kuhl <rubensk at nic.br> wrote:
>> I’ll avoid repetition for the above, one comment below.
> Note that one omitted part is how many DNS discovery protocols use _ so they can't be exploited thru domain names. Perhaps someone with less interest in this outcome would be willing to follow-on on such research, since you won't.

I understand how it all works Rubens, technically and systemically.  We’ve published peer-reviewed research in assessing collisions and offered to share petabytes of new and old data with ICANN org as well as methodologies to assess the risk with a broad array of discovery protocols and have always talked about how to proactively minimize risks to consumers and decrease the occurrence of collisions at the root, whether with applied for gTLDS, new entrants like .consul, or others — all of which will at the end of the day add predictability to applicants in subsequent rounds AND serve the public interest.

It all stands on technical merit and I appreciate technical arguments - yours are not and comments like the above as well as your unwillingness to read any citations and lack of willingness and/or ability to grasp fundamentals remind me you’re just here to troll and I’m not going to feed it anymore.

I’m going to leave it at that....


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