[NCAP-Discuss] Comparison of Proposed Alerting and Data Collection Techniques

Casey Deccio casey at deccio.net
Fri Oct 28 11:27:48 UTC 2022

Dear all,

One of the topics that has repeatedly surfaced in the discussion group is the desire for an objective comparison of the different techniques that have been proposed for alerting and data collection, namely passive collision assessment, active collision assessment, and controlled interruption. Such a comparison would help the discussion group better understand the implications of each of the mechanisms, so the group can be in a better position to provide input about the recommendations in study 2.

To address this, we have written the following document, "Comparison of Proposed Alerting and Data Collection Techniques":

(If you find that you do not have access, please request it.)

The document provides a high-level overview of each of the techniques and compares them using different considerations, including alerting effectiveness, operational continuity, security and privacy, user experience, root cause identification, public reception, and telemetry. It also describes the two active measurements techniques--ad-based measurements and RIPE Atlas probes--and the value added from those, in light of the other considerations.

The document is currently written as a (mostly) stand-alone document, but we intend to fold it into the main body of the study 2 report.

Note that as part of this effort, I have introduced a new data set and analysis into the root cause analysis document. The new section containing that analysis is section 5 and is referred to in the comparison document:


The bits of text that have been updated in connection with this addition are the following:

- Section 3.2 - introduction of Web Search Results
- Section 4.1 (last paragraph - analysis of controlled interruption post 90 days added
- Section 5 - Analysis of Web Search Results
- Section 10.1 - Two new findings added, and one finding updated

Heather and I plan to discuss the comparison document with the discussion group on a future call.  In advance of that discussion, we invite everyone to read the text and offer feedback on the mailing list.


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