[NCAP-Discuss] Prep for this week's meeting

Suzanne Woolf suzworldwide at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 13:39:14 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

I wanted to remind everyone of the plans we made last week for this week's DG meeting.

We found that we're not really ready to declare consensus on the workflow diagram and accompanying explanations, in part because we haven't reviewed some of our previous work recently. So, there was support for the idea we should spend some time in the intervening week reviewing Sec. 1-3 of the Study 2 working draft, particularly terminology and definitions, and be ready to discuss the workflow on our next call, tomorrow, 9 August.

Sec. 1-3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13SQnZt1HHeD9i1cSds-kj16mxRQgxp6hpb2K1kLqB1U/edit
Sec. 4-6: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H89gyy31dGVXQjn304PEGv85EKIpHUAR3vPm76YQMcc/edit

The chairs offer many thanks to everyone for taking the time for "homework," and we also wanted to say thanks to everyone who's been posting to the list, getting a good look at your thoughts in advance will help DG discussion. 

Suzanne and Matt

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