[NCAP-Discuss] NCAP DG agenda: 8 November 2023

Anne ICANN anneicanngnso at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 17:59:13 UTC 2023

Thanks Jennifer.  Would you mind resending the link for the meeting when
you send out the agenda?
Thank you,

Anne Aikman-Scalese
GNSO Councilor
NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
anneicanngnso at gmail.com

On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 2:13 PM Jennifer Bryce <jennifer.bryce at icann.org>

> Dear NCAP DG members,
> Here is the agenda for the next NCAP DG meeting on Wednesday 8 November at
> 20:00 UTC.
> *Note the meeting is taking place*, although we are aware that many are
> not available due to IETF. Please review the recording if you cannot
> attend. Jonathan will send notes out.
>    1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
>    2. Discussion: What to name the “buckets
>    <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bbLrEW9eiqpIHczZZwVK0oKAc6v9C0mxuUVTAfPokhg/edit#slide=id.g2929b97fc05_0_0>”
>    discussed in Hamburg?
>    3. Time permitting: Review next text in the Study 2 document
>    <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H89gyy31dGVXQjn304PEGv85EKIpHUAR3vPm76YQMcc/edit#heading=h.yeucq7yhyb1d>:
>       1. HF will draft text noting that CHM are the outliers of history,
>       but something comparable could happen in the future (e.g., .internal). This
>       is part of our overall risk analysis. *(See new Finding B.d)*
>       2. HF will add a new finding on the topic of private use strings:
>       Designation of a TLD for private use (as advised by SSAC in SAC113) can
>       mitigate the risk over the long term, but not immediately *(see new
>       Finding H)*
>       3. HF to draft text regarding "the TRT should not have operational
>       authority. If they identify an urgent issue, they need to contact the root
>       zone operator. " *(see change to Recommendation 7.1)*
>    4. Time permitting: Outstanding topics doc
>    <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kKSqAcTv-Nf2FaKPm5doZKc7pVtSSJAOMcS94wBFoYw/edit>
>    5. AOB, adjourn
> Best,
> Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer Bryce
> Project Manager, Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> www.icann.org
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