[NCAP-Discuss] ICANN78 NCAP Prep Week Webinar

Jennifer Bryce jennifer.bryce at icann.org
Tue Oct 10 19:43:18 UTC 2023

• Zoom Meeting Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/91979719936?pwd=allKNUxkSXpXMllMOHpjaU1lNFpBZz09
• Zoom Meeting ID: 919 7971 9936
• Zoom Meeting Passcode: 4j3!Dyu#Jh
• Zoom International Dial-In Numbers: https://icann.zoom.us/u/actflzzdI
• Zoom Phone Passcode: 818 261 3255

Meeting: ICANN78 NCAP Prep Week Webinar
Date/Time: Tuesday 10 October 2023 at 20:00 UTC for 60 minutes

Participation Links

Zoom participation links will be published 24 hours before the session starts. For more information on how to participate, visit: https://meetings.icann.org/en/icann78

Prep Week schedule will be scheduled on 25 September 2023.

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