[Npoc-discuss] UPDATE: NCSG comment on the CWG-Stewardship Draft Proposal for the IANA Transition Process

Sam Lanfranco lanfran at yorku.ca
Wed May 20 14:21:28 UTC 2015

This npoc-discuss posting is an update on constituency input into the 
IANA Transition Process:

The NCSG ( NPOC and NCUC members) have completed drafting an NCSG 
comment on the CWG-Stewardship 2nd Draft Proposal for the IANA 
Transition Process. The NCSG comment can be viewed at: 
and will be submitted to the GWG Stewardship working group at today’s 
deadline. The full set of comments and recommendations can be read at 
the above link.

The key recommendation from NCSG on the transition of the IANA functions 
from the U.S. Government is as follows:

/The NCSG supports the creation of a separate legal entity to house the 
names-related IANA functions. We believe that structural separation of 
the IANA functions into a legal affiliate has several beneficial 
features, which we summarize below.  We do not believe that the CCWG 
Accountability enhancements alone can ensure the future independence and 
performance of the IANA functions nor guarantee the imperative of 
separation between policy-development and the IANA functions into the 
future.   Legal and structural separation are key.  Still, many details 
about this proposal have yet to be filled in. Given the need for quick 
action, we urge the CWG and the broader community to accept a legally 
separate affiliate Post Transition IANA (PTI) model as the basis for the 
ongoing development of the IANA stewardship transition.

/See the above link for further details./


Sam Lanfranco, Chair
NPOC Policy Committee

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