[NPOC-EC] Draft of calls for applications for the PC

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 10:57:30 UTC 2021

Hi guys,

Here's a draft, please help me finish it.


Dear NPOC members,

I'm sad to tell you all that our previous Policy Chair has quit her
position for personal reasons. It's proving to be a very tough year for
civil society volunteers but we must plow on, in the interest of NGOs and
their members around the world.

I would like to open a call for applications for this very important role
in our constituency. The term is going to be limited to our AGM in October
but nothing is stopping this person from applying to become the Policy
Chair in the upcoming elections.

Please send me your applications within the next week, deadline for
applications is 23.59 UTC on the 28th of April.

The successful applicant should have some experience in creating policy,
even if it hasn't been done in the Internet Governance framework.


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