[NPOC-EC] Moving npoc.org to another hosting services provider

Bolutife Adisa adisabolutifeo at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 10:58:43 UTC 2021

Dear Raoul & All,

I agree with moving the website to a new hosting. provider. Hetzner is
indeed a good alternative.

Best wishes,
Bolutife Adisa.

On Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 10:48 Raoul Plommer via NPOC-EC, <npoc-ec at icann.org>

> Dear all,
> *1) Moving npoc.org <http://npoc.org> hosting to another service provider*
> The new term of hosting has to be purchased by 22.12.2021, which is the
> day after tomorrow. Our current hosting is more expensive than we need it
> to be and the current provider hiked up the price in August to almost
> 450€/year.
> Me and Tapani had a look at some potential hosting services providers, and
> thought that Hetzner offers the best value for the price: About 120€ / year
> for better access to manage our website. For example, with this package,
> we'd have full access to all the backups on the site. Performance of our
> website will remain essentially the same.
> https://www.hetzner.com/webhosting/level-9
> *2) Identifying crucial policy initiatives at ICANN for NPOC*
> What are the current policy initiatives and public comments that we should
> be participating in? What are the places for following these?
> I would like to give our new Policy chair a hand from our EC members to
> show her the ropes of effectively creating policy from NPOC's point of view
> and how to go about it. Please help me in doing so.
> ---
> Out of these two points that were supposed to be discussed in the last EC
> meeting, I'm posing those questions here now. Let's discuss the second
> agenda item until we can hand over some guidance to Gloria. The first item
> should really have two more people (I am already for this) from the EC to
> decide to transfer our website on time.
> Please respond with yes or no to moving the hosting to Hetzner and then we
> can discuss the "ropes" on policy development of NPOC. Let's get this done
> ASAP, please.
> -Raoul
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