[NPOC-EC] Membership outreach

Joan Kerr joankerr at fbsc.org
Thu Sep 29 03:27:50 UTC 2022

Thanks Caleb,

Will there be any policy and webinar series anytime soon?


On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 6:09 PM Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele <
muyiwacaleb at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Joan,
> Thanks for reaching out. Please find my responses below inline in a
> different color marking.
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 2:52 PM Joan Kerr <joankerr at fbsc.org> wrote:
>> Hello Caleb,
>> I had sent you an email to help with membership campaigns and didn't hear
>> back, and I may not have gotten any of the events' email either and
>> sometimes, my email doesn't seem to work with ICANN.
>> I have not seen any email from you as regards membership campaigns.
> However, I know I have had an informal conversation with you via Skype and
> phone.
>  I had to search my box again to be very sure. I would not know why you
> also do not get emails from ICANN specifically when I post some newsletters.
> That being said, I deeply appreciate your wanting to help. Bear in mind
> that we held some concluding parts of the Webinar series we planned during
> the Covid. However, the response wasn't great in attendance.  This made me
> reconsider putting a little break on the webinar series as it won't be nice
> to have webinars and we have less than five members in attendance. Remember
> that we have only had two meetings Post Covid with me present in only one
> while Raoul and others were present in both.
> In light of this, I will give you some updates on what is planned as i was
> supposed to send some emails to our members giving them membership plans
> and outreach held in Kuala Lumpur.
> 1. We recruited close to 15 new potential members. I followed up with
> the application of some just to make sure we got them captured.
> 2. We help a joint NCUC/NPOC Outreach with potential Members specifically
> for those in the region that hosted us (Asia Pacific). We had a great
> attendance of over 30 people.
> 3. We planned for a fellowship outreach with Siranus but could not get a
> slot from her.
> 5. We already reached out to staff (Adam Peake and Carlos Reye) to
> continue our webinar series and also to have newcomer-centric ones so that
> we don't leave newcomers in the oblivion of why they are part of what we
> are doing.
> 6. I had an informal meeting with Jonathan Zuck the new Chair of ALAC on
> having an ALAC / NPOC outreach engagement in the next available meeting i
> will be present (can't say for now as I'm not interested in traveling to
> Cancun as I believe we have some EC members (Bolu and Bikram) who haven't
> had two  Post COVID slots as we have to rest NPOC during the pandemic.
> 7. Benjamin of NCUC and I have agreed to do more collaboration which shows
> how the two constituencies can work together for the collective growth of
> the NCSG.
>> I was wondering how many members does NPOC have at the moment,
> As per the total number NPOC has at the moment before you sent this email,
> I had discussed with @Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org> about
> getting me the membership update which she promised to get to me later by
> October month end as she has mentioned the problem she is still having with
> the CRM we use for members. Interestingly, it was a coincidence because
> Andrea and I had a conversation earlier today about the same issue. She
> also has given me update that a ticket has been submitted and hopefully we
> can get feedback and get some aspects of things sorted by October month
> end. Bear in mind, i have some numbers which i could use as per those who
> voted during elections. However, i believe most persons also did not see
> reasons to vote during elections and so such active member calculation if
> faulted on the premise of election check in.
>> and was there any relationship building/outreach or education webinars to
>> members for the past couple of years?
> Yes... See my update at the top of the email.
>> I know other Constituencies did a lot of outreach and relationship
>> building and just wondered what NPOC did.
> Neither NCSG nor NCUC did any outreach as there was volunteer fatigue.
> Bear in mind different constituencies which are not CSO / Academia have
> different motivations.
> However, we bounced back post covid and i will still refer you to the top
> of my email.
> Regards
>> Thanks,
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Joan Kerr, Entrepreneur, Mixed Media Artist, Community Leader
>> _____________________________________
>> www.joankerr.ca, www.fbsc.org
>> Skype: joankerr_fbsc
>> 1-416-907-0783
> --
> *Caleb Ogundele*
> Mobile: +1-204-558-6904
> Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com


Joan Kerr, Entrepreneur, Mixed Media Artist, Community Leader


www.joankerr.ca, www.fbsc.org

Skype: joankerr_fbsc

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