[NPOC-EC] Membership outreach

Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 22:08:56 UTC 2022

Hello Joan,

Thanks for reaching out. Please find my responses below inline in a
different color marking.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 2:52 PM Joan Kerr <joankerr at fbsc.org> wrote:

> Hello Caleb,
> I had sent you an email to help with membership campaigns and didn't hear
> back, and I may not have gotten any of the events' email either and
> sometimes, my email doesn't seem to work with ICANN.
> I have not seen any email from you as regards membership campaigns.
However, I know I have had an informal conversation with you via Skype and

 I had to search my box again to be very sure. I would not know why you
also do not get emails from ICANN specifically when I post some newsletters.
That being said, I deeply appreciate your wanting to help. Bear in mind
that we held some concluding parts of the Webinar series we planned during
the Covid. However, the response wasn't great in attendance.  This made me
reconsider putting a little break on the webinar series as it won't be nice
to have webinars and we have less than five members in attendance. Remember
that we have only had two meetings Post Covid with me present in only one
while Raoul and others were present in both.
In light of this, I will give you some updates on what is planned as i was
supposed to send some emails to our members giving them membership plans
and outreach held in Kuala Lumpur.

1. We recruited close to 15 new potential members. I followed up with
the application of some just to make sure we got them captured.
2. We help a joint NCUC/NPOC Outreach with potential Members specifically
for those in the region that hosted us (Asia Pacific). We had a great
attendance of over 30 people.
3. We planned for a fellowship outreach with Siranus but could not get a
slot from her.
5. We already reached out to staff (Adam Peake and Carlos Reye) to continue
our webinar series and also to have newcomer-centric ones so that we don't
leave newcomers in the oblivion of why they are part of what we are doing.
6. I had an informal meeting with Jonathan Zuck the new Chair of ALAC on
having an ALAC / NPOC outreach engagement in the next available meeting i
will be present (can't say for now as I'm not interested in traveling to
Cancun as I believe we have some EC members (Bolu and Bikram) who haven't
had two  Post COVID slots as we have to rest NPOC during the pandemic.
7. Benjamin of NCUC and I have agreed to do more collaboration which shows
how the two constituencies can work together for the collective growth of
the NCSG.

> I was wondering how many members does NPOC have at the moment,

As per the total number NPOC has at the moment before you sent this email,
I had discussed with @Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org> about
getting me the membership update which she promised to get to me later by
October month end as she has mentioned the problem she is still having with
the CRM we use for members. Interestingly, it was a coincidence because
Andrea and I had a conversation earlier today about the same issue. She
also has given me update that a ticket has been submitted and hopefully we
can get feedback and get some aspects of things sorted by October month
end. Bear in mind, i have some numbers which i could use as per those who
voted during elections. However, i believe most persons also did not see
reasons to vote during elections and so such active member calculation if
faulted on the premise of election check in.

> and was there any relationship building/outreach or education webinars to
> members for the past couple of years?

Yes... See my update at the top of the email.

> I know other Constituencies did a lot of outreach and relationship
> building and just wondered what NPOC did.
Neither NCSG nor NCUC did any outreach as there was volunteer fatigue. Bear
in mind different constituencies which are not CSO / Academia have
different motivations.
However, we bounced back post covid and i will still refer you to the top
of my email.


> Thanks,
> Thanks,
> --
> Joan Kerr, Entrepreneur, Mixed Media Artist, Community Leader
> _____________________________________
> www.joankerr.ca, www.fbsc.org
> Skype: joankerr_fbsc
> 1-416-907-0783

*Caleb Ogundele*
Mobile: +1-204-558-6904
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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