[NPOC-EC] NPOC EC Meeting Timing

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Fri Mar 31 14:27:25 UTC 2023


I sent this in the NPOC EC Skype chat, but I am also sending an email as Caleb has informed me that he does not communicate via the Skype chat.

Hello EC! I am reaching out with a request to possibly move the time of the NPOC EC meeting each month. Currently the meeting is the second Wednesday of each month at 15:00 UTC. Due to other conflicts, we are trying to move calls from this time slot on Wednesdays. Is there a chance of moving this call to an earlier or later time on the same day? Thanks so much for your consideration.

Andrea Glandon
Policy Operations Coordinator
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Skype ID:  acglandon76

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