Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 16:23:16 UTC 2024


My name is Arsène Tungali Baguma, an NPOC member representing Rudi
International and a longstanding NCSG member. I would like to express my
interest to attend ICANN80 in Kigali, Rwanda through the CROP program that
was advertised on the mailing list; find below my EOI.

I am currently based out of Kinshasa (in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo) and will be flying from/to Kinshasa (DRC). I am based in the Africa
region; therefore, I qualify to be considered for the CROP opportunity.

I have been away from active participation in ICANN activities for nearly 4
years due to other commitments, but I never left. I would like to come back
and support policy work at NPOC as a constituency, to support its
objectives and mission as the home for nonprofit organizations. I am the
Executive Director of Rudi International, an organization working at the
intersection of technology and human rights, with programs focusing on
capacity building, research and advocacy.

I am applying for a CROP for ICANN80, which is a policy meeting and would
like to offer my time and expertise to serve the NPOC in any capacity its
leadership is willing to use my support for, at the Kigali meeting. I have
experience with ICANN since 2014, having been a GNSO Council member,
representing the NCSG. I have been around policy development processes at
the GNSO level, advocating for the voice and concerns of non-commercial
stakeholders. As you know, the Council is the manager of the PDPs, being a
Council member, I had a view of all the policy discussions happening in the

Besides that, I am very good at outreach, I speak French which is very
important if we want to attract new members attending the Kigali meeting,
to join our constituency. I am very happy to support recruitment by
engaging with the francophone attendees of this meeting, with my knowledge
of ICANN, its functioning and its structures, I can be of help before,
during and after that meeting.

Kigali is a semi-English and semi-Francophone country and this meeting is
expected to attract a significant participation from the DRC (my country),
which is a French speaking country. I chose to go to this meeting because I
am sure NPOC can use me as I understand the culture, the language and that
there will be participation from people from my country, since we share a
border with Rwanda. I have done a lot of PR encouraging those who haven’t
been able to attend ICANN meetings in the past due to lack of travel
support to consider this now that the meeting is happening in Africa.

I currently have time to devote to ICANN (NPOC activities). After being
away for some time, this policy forum will serve as a refreshing
opportunity for me, giving me a direct view to the current discussions and
policy deliberations so that I can decide which ones to start following,
for the benefit of the NPOC.

I don’t need a visa to travel to Kigali, Rwanda. This is straightforward
for me.

I am willing to fulfil all CROP requirements; actually, I was part of the
discussions and conversations that led to their adoption, taking CROP from
a pilot program to an important component of ICANN, a stand alone program
within the organization.

I hope you consider this enough for you to decide on granting me this
travel opportunity that will sign my coming back and active participation
in ICANN activities and for the benefit of our SG and most specifically,
our C.

Thank you,

***Arsène Tungali**
*I am a social entrepreneur running both a non profit
<https://rudiinternational.org/>and a business
Link up with me on LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/arsene-tungali-34482540/>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/arsenebaguma> and Facebook
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