[registrars] Afilias.......

Patricio Valdes valdes at parava.net
Mon Nov 10 23:27:57 UTC 2003

Through the following email, I would like to formally issue a complaint
to Afilias. Over the past 10 days, we have had nothing but problems with
Afilias. Support takes, not kidding, up to 24 hours to resolve an issue.
All we ask for is improvement or answers in the following areas. Simple
issues that should make all of us Registrars happy.


Yet while they continue to ignore these issues, they still plan on
launching IDN Domains. Of course IDN Domains mean more revenue to


1)       Landrush challenged Domains (Where are they?)

2)       Credit for Deleted Domains (Afilias will not credit your
account until after 35 days)

3)       Technical Support (Worst in the industry )

4)       Client-Hold Status (They expect us to remove DNS servers to
suspend a domain - ridiculous)


Is it just us or is any other Registrar tired of Afilias? 


I know there are many other issues on the table concerning the
Registrars and Registries but I believe we should not completely forget
about Afilias.



Patricio Valdes

Parava Networks, Inc.


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