[registrars] Regarding taxes

JP jp at dotregistrar.com
Wed May 26 17:48:31 UTC 2004


> That is a business choice that they have made. If their costs
> go up they need to reevaluate that choice. That is not the same as
> a small registrar having to pay quad the fees.

€€€ Can you explain this to Me, because I see it exactly the other way

> The only way that the increase in transaction fees will kill
> a large registrar is if they have contracts with customers that
> specify their cost will always be, say $6.50 (or whatever).

€€€ I can not speak for other registrars, but it will badly hurt us.
> Another example of a registrar that might need to eat
> the fee might be Godaddy. The site advertises $7.95 and $8.95
> for transfers/new registrations. If a per domain fee of .25 is
> added, they can't maintain those prices and those magic numbers.

€€€ Please, visit our website and check our prices.
> I think that if a registrar makes a choice to sell domains so close
> to the cost, then take a risk if fees are increased. That is a risk
> of the business model they have chosen. It is not the same
> as, once again, a small registrar being hit with an extra $19,000.
€€€ Again how come it is unfair only one way. There is an increase on the
variable fee, and it is substantial, as Kurt said yesterday, MOST of the
funds come from the increase in the PER TRANSACTION fee.

What you are advocating for is that ALL the funding should come from a per
I not only think it is unfair, I can tell you it will completely cripple our
business, and our ability to provide a large number of customers with
registrations at an affordable price, customers, that because of the
increase might not be able to pay for those registrations...

Our "choice" of model has always been to provide more for less, and it
proved successful. I do not think your idea of killing our model in favor of
smaller, "boutique" , "specialty" or even non registering registrars is
fair; As for the registrars that have a VIABLE, REAL, registration business
going on, there is relief from the fee.



>> The bottom line is that there is an large overall increase in fees for
>> registrars as a whole, and nobody  (big or small) is happy with the
>> increase they have to pay individually.
>> Regards,
>> Bruce
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Larry Erlich - DomainRegistry.com, Inc.
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