[registrars] Updates from Registrar Constituency Meeting

Tim Cole cole at icann.org
Tue Apr 12 18:30:12 UTC 2005


We agreed to get back to you on a few items that arose during the Registrar
Constituency meetings last week in Argentina.

1. RAA renewal dual track:  Some of you asked about the renewal process for
the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and about potential changes to the
content of that agreement.  We have agreed to proceed on a dual track
approach as we consider possible revisions to the RAA.  First, we will go
forward with a renewal process under the existing RAA (updated to reflect
current policies).  A renewal application process will be followed and, upon
approval, a renewed agreement will be issued with a new 5-year term.
Second, we will continue to work through a process to explore revisions to
the RAA.  Any substantive changes would go through the consensus policy

2. RRA Amendment:  ICANN has facilitated a dialogue with VeriSign that has
produced a revised Amendment 1 to the RAA.  VeriSign has agreed to offer all
registrars the opportunity to enter this new form of the amendment in lieu
of (or to supersede) the prior approved version.  Also, in order to avoid
burdening VeriSign and the registrars, no registrar that already signed the
prior version will be obligated to sign this new alternate form.

3. .NET RRA:  As confirmed by Kurt Pritz at the Public Forum in Mar del
Plata, ICANN commits to consultation with registrars prior to implementation
of any new RRA under the new .NET agreement.

Please feel free to contact me with further questions.

Best wishes,

Tim Cole
Chief Registrar Liaison
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

4676  Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA  90292-6601

Direct:  310 301-5811
Fax:  310 823-8649

cole at icann.org

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