[registrars] ICANN staff report on transfers

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Tue Apr 19 08:04:45 UTC 2005

Hello All,

As part of the new transfers policy developed by the GNSO
(see http://www.icann.org/gnso/transfers-tf/report-12feb03.htm ), the
GNSO Council required that the ICANN Staff analyse and report to the
GNSO Council at three, six and twelve month intervals after
implementation with the goal of determining;

i. How effectively and to what extent the policies have been implemented
and adopted by Registrars, Registries and Registrants,

ii. Whether or not modifications to these policies should be considered
by the GNSO as a result of the experiences gained during the
implementation and monitoring stages,

iii. The effectiveness of the dispute resolution processes and a summary
of the filings that have been resolved through the process.

The new policy at (http://www.icann.org/transfers/policy-12jul04.htm )
went into effect on 12 November 2004.

The three monthly review has just been published by the ICANN staff at:

We are now due for the 6 monthly review.

I would be interested in feedback from registrars after reviewing the
report with respect to the next steps that should be taken by the GNSO

For example if the registrars constituency can agree on further
refinements to the policy, then I and the other registrars reps on the
GNSO Council (Ross Rader and Tom Keller) can put forward those changes
to the GNSO Council for further action.

Bruce Tonkin
Registrars rep on the GNSO Council

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