[registrars] Constituency Input Required

Bhavin Turakhia bhavin.t at directi.com
Thu Dec 22 04:42:41 UTC 2005

Hi Ross 

The ex-com is happy to nominate you as the constituency representative for

As an added note this topic is quite important and it is important therefore
to ensure that input is taken from everyone within the constituency. I know
that I have several inputs myself. I therefore recommend a modification to
the process outlined as below -

(a) Select a constituency representative.

(b) Constituency rep Develops a simple questionnaire based on the New gTLD
Task Force 
 terms of reference to send to all members
 - e.g do you think there should be more TLDs, if so why?
 - how do you think names should be allocated?
 - should single letter domains be allowed?
 - TOR can be found here: 

(b.1) Constituency rep sends an email out to the constituency with
background material that constituency members can read on this subject

(c) Arrange for a registrars constituency teleconference
 - maybe do two at different times to accommodate more registrars, or 
 simply choose 19:00 UTC as used for Council calls at the moment.
 - ask for position papers in advance, and allow each person that has 
 submitted a position paper to present it during the teleconference
 - ask for the views of each person on the teleconference
 - get each teleconference transcribed for the record (use constituency
 funds to pay for this), it will be important that we are on 
 the public 
 record as having consulted widely.

(c.1) Constituency rep sends out a call for input from registrar
constituency members on the questions and sends a reminder or two at
appropriate times. Approx 1 week is given for people to provide input

(d) Constituency rep Writes a draft position statement and circulates it
iteratively until there is no objection or additional input
(e) Have a follow up teleconference to discuss the position statement, then
produce a final position statement

(f) Vote on the constituency statement

- Bhavin

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