[registrars] Proposed 2007-2008 Registrar Constituency Budget - Seconding of Jon's Motion

Rob Hall rob at momentous.com
Sat Jul 14 04:34:07 UTC 2007

I second (endorse) Jon's motion to approve the budget.


From: owner-registrars at gnso.icann.org on behalf of Nevett, Jonathon
Sent: Fri 13/07/2007 10:53 AM
To: Marcus Faure; Margie Milam; Registrar Constituency
Subject: RE: [registrars] Proposed 2007-2008 Registrar Constituency Budget


Excellent question.  I support spending more than we take in this fiscal 
year for a few reasons.  First, as discussed in San Juan, we are asking 
registrars to pay more this year for additional services.  In light of 
the proposed dues increase, I think it makes sense to dip into existing 
reserves to reduce the burden.  Second, we have a relatively large 
reserve fund.  During the ICANN budget process, we argued that ICANN 
didn't need a reserve fund that represented 100% of its annual operating 
expenses.  While there are obvious distinctions between our situation 
and ICANN's situation, it always is good to practice what you preach. 
In this budget, we are looking at a reserve fund of less than 40% of our 
annual operating expenses.  Third, my hope, as you point out, is that we 
will receive financial support from ICANN next year.  I was very happy 
to hear Doug Brent state during his public presentation in San Juan that 
ICANN will work with us in providing greater financial support to the 

Obviously, the biggest expense in this budget is our proposed work with 
a part-time professional staff person.  Our plan is to use this person 
to make the RC much more effective, pro-active, and efficient.  We need 
someone to assist in our ICANN advocacy efforts -- draft position 
papers, impact statements, and even public statements.  My hope is that 
the position would assist in getting us out in front of issues and more 
proactive than we have been with our current group of overburdened 
volunteers.  We want to be sure that we are not looking at the 
proverbial bus after it has run us over. 

We discussed at the RC meeting in San Juan and within the Executive 
Committee various dues structures.  The consensus seemed to be that we 
would increase dues to $750 (apparently the levels they had been a 
number of years ago), but provide the ability for small registrars with 
need to seek a reduction to the level of existing dues ($250).  

With that said, I move that we accept the budget.  According to Bob (our 
honorary parliamentarian), we need three endorsements and then we will 
have at least a 30 day period of discussion prior to a vote. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: owner-registrars at gnso.icann.org 
[mailto:owner-registrars at gnso.icann.org] On Behalf Of Marcus Faure 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 4:26 AM 
To: Margie Milam 
Cc: registrars at gnso.icann.org 
Subject: Re: [registrars] Proposed 2007-2008 Registrar Constituency 


as the expected result is negative (-16k), do we expect a balanced 
budget in the 2008-2009 period? Any word from ICANN regarding 
financial support of the constituency? 


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