[registrars] Motion is now before the house in proper order.

Robert F. Connelly BobC at awesome-goo.com
Fri Apr 11 20:38:30 UTC 2008

Dear Registrar Constituency Members:

Please understand that this is the very first time we have attempted to use the special "Fast Track Motions" section of the Rules and Procedures.  We have found a few rough edges between what was said during the drafting of Fast Track and what actually got into the text.

Fundamentally, Fast Track is designed to be used only when there are very special reasons for not following the standard method of voting.  Simply stated, after a member makes a Fast Track Motion (or even before the motion is posted) a majority of the Executive Committee (Chair, CTO, Treasurer and Secretary) must vote to allow the use of the Fast Track rules.  Then there must be five endorsements by voting members (only three are required for standard motions).  One of the rough edges was whether members of the Executive Committee are eligible to also be endorsers.  During the original negotiations for drafting Fast Track in late 2006, the majority opinion seemed to be that the Executive Committee members should not also be endorsers.   But that did not get into the final text.  

That said, all the necessary steps are now in order for Rob's motion to be processed under the special rules for Fast Track.

The required summary for the rationale for invoking the Fast Track on this motion is as follows:

We have a deadline to meet 14 days from today and we can't meet that deadline without using fast track.

A majority of the Executive Committee have approved the use of the Fast Track rules.  

Everything is in order to go forward with Rob's motion.  The discussion period has now started and will last for seven days.  Excom will work out the balance of the schedule for ballot draft, comments, approval and opening the ballot at a latter date.

So start commenting already;-)

Respectfully submitted,
Bob Connelly
RC Secretary.

P.S. I plan to repost this Email to our old list at registrars at gnso.icann.org.

After all is said and done ---
A lot more gets said than done;-}  

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