[registrars] WG: [council] Domain Tasting Design Team Proposed GNSO Council Motion

Ross Rader ross at tucows.com
Fri Feb 8 16:33:24 UTC 2008

On 8-Feb-08, at 11:31 AM, Russ Goodwin wrote:

> There are probably ways to change the tests so they can be done for  
> free, but then the impact on registrars is not negligible.

I'm not sure that we get the luxury of picking low cost and low  
impact. I think its perfectly fair for us to pay for a low impact  
approach, but also have the ability to avoid the cost if we choose a  
higher impact method.

Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
t. 416.538.5492
c. 416.828.8783

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."
- Erik Nupponen

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