[registrars] [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .PHARMACY

Tom Barrett tbarrett at encirca.com
Mon Apr 23 20:30:49 UTC 2018

see attached.


On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:18 PM, Karla Hakansson <karla.hakansson at icann.org>

> Thanks, Tom. Can you send me the 2016 RRA Amendment?
> Karla
> *From:* Tom Barrett [mailto:tbarrett at encirca.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, April 23, 2018 12:45 PM
> *To:* Karla Hakansson <karla.hakansson at icann.org>
> *Cc:* Graeme Bunton <gbunton at tucows.com>; Kimberly Alston <
> kimberly.alston at icann.org>; registrars at icann.org; Carlos Chavoya <
> carlos.chavoya at icann.org>; Zoe Bonython <secretariat at icannregistrars.org>;
> Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore at icann.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [registrars] [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for
> see attached
> tom
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 7:12 PM, Karla Hakansson <
> karla.hakansson at icann.org> wrote:
> Ok, thank you Graeme. Can you give me an ETA as to when the RrSG can pull
> together a consolidated list of concerns and questions we can send to the
> RO to address?
> Typos courtesy of my iThing, Karla
> On Apr 20, 2018, at 5:18 PM, Graeme Bunton <gbunton at tucows.com> wrote:
> Just in case it's not clear, if we don't get the extension, then we will
> officially, in so far as that's a thing, take issue with the amendment
> prior to tonight's deadline.
> I've also had someone raise in respect to the retail price limits that a)
> such things are illegal in the EU apparently, and b) as they are in USD,
> prejudicial against non US registrars.    Did ICANN consider these issues
> when approving the RRA?
> I don't know if those are full stop issues yet, first we need to figure
> out how they got IN there.
> Thanks
> Graeme
> On 2018-04-19 5:35 p.m., Carlos Chavoya wrote:
> Hi Karla,
> I have notified the RO of the 5 day extension. I will let you know if I
> hear back from the RO.
> Best,
> --Carlos
> *From:* Karla Hakansson
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 19, 2018 2:22 PM
> *To:* Graeme Bunton <gbunton at tucows.com> <gbunton at tucows.com>
> *Cc:* Carlos Chavoya <carlos.chavoya at icann.org> <carlos.chavoya at icann.org>;
> Kimberly Alston <kimberly.alston at icann.org> <kimberly.alston at icann.org>;
> registrars at icann.org; Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore at icann.org>
> <jennifer.gore at icann.org>; Zoe Bonython <secretariat at icannregistrars.org>
> <secretariat at icannregistrars.org>
> *Subject:* RE: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .PHARMACY
> Hi Graeme,
> Carlos is going to send a notice to the RO you are requesting more time.
> We’ll let you know if they come back with concerns.
> P.S. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t us. 😉
> Thank you,
> Karla
> *From:* Graeme Bunton [mailto:gbunton at tucows.com <gbunton at tucows.com>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 19, 2018 1:16 PM
> *To:* Karla Hakansson <karla.hakansson at icann.org>
> *Cc:* Carlos Chavoya <carlos.chavoya at icann.org>; Kimberly Alston <
> kimberly.alston at icann.org>; registrars at icann.org; Jennifer Gore <
> jennifer.gore at icann.org>; Zoe Bonython <secretariat at icannregistrars.org>
> *Subject:* [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Notification for .PHARMACY
> Hi All,
> (Dropping .pharmacy)
> I recognize that this is last minute, but could we have another 5 days on
> this?
> We're having some disagreement about provisions contained within.
> It appears as though the Nov.25th 2014 .pharmarcy  RRA did not contain
> price caps.  Their appears to have been an April 2016 amendment that
> introduced them, but we have no record of this going through the RrSG.
> I'd like to figure out if a) that's true! b) did we screw that up, or did
> you!
> Thanks
> Graeme
> On 2018-03-30 7:58 AM, Karla Hakansson wrote:
> Hello Graeme,
> Attached, please find the cover letter and the red-lined RRA Amendment for *.PHARMACY
> *submitted by *National Association of Boards of Pharmacy* to be shared
> with your Stakeholder Group.
> Per the RRA Amendment Procedure, the RrSG has up to 21 days to review the
> proposed changes. If the registrars have concerns, please advise ICANN by
> responding to this message no later than *23:59 UTC on 20 April 2018*. If
> there is no response by this time, ICANN will assume there are no concerns
> and will continue processing the request. If the RrSG responds with
> concerns, ICANN will continue to the next step of the RRA Amendment
> Procedure which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator.
> If you have any further inquiries, please let me know.
> Kind regards,
> Karla
> *Karla Hakansson*
> Director, Registry Services
> ICANN – Global Domains Division
> (e) Karla.hakansson at icann.org
> (t) +1.310.699.5834
> (s) karlahakansson
> 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=12025+Waterfront+Drive,+Suite+300+%0D%0A+Los+Angeles,+CA+90094&entry=gmail&source=g>
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> <https://maps.google.com/?q=12025+Waterfront+Drive,+Suite+300+%0D%0A+Los+Angeles,+CA+90094&entry=gmail&source=g>
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> --
> _________________________
> Graeme Bunton
> Director, Analytics & Policy
> Tucows Inc.
> PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634
> --
> _________________________
> Graeme Bunton
> Director, Analytics & Policy
> Tucows Inc.
> PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634
> _______________________________________________
> registrars mailing list
> registrars at gnso.icann.org
> https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/registrars
> --
> Thomas Barrett
> President
> EnCirca, Inc
> +1.781.942.9975 (office)
> 400 W. Cummings Park, Suite 1725
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=400+W.+Cummings+Park,+Suite+1725+%0D%0A+%0D%0A+%0D%0A+Woburn,+MA+01801+USA&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Woburn, MA 01801 USA
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Thomas Barrett
EnCirca, Inc
+1.781.942.9975 (office)
400 W. Cummings Park, Suite 1725
Woburn, MA 01801 USA
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