[RPM-IRT] RPM IRT | Revised procedural documents for your review

Elisa Busetto elisa.busetto at icann.org
Sat Aug 12 07:11:50 UTC 2023

Dear All,

As discussed during the call on 27 July 2023<https://community.icann.org/x/TgQ5Dg>, you have the opportunity to review the procedural documents that have been discussed with the IRT before they go out for public comment. Please note that the URS Procedure document and the RPM Requirements document have been updated since the meeting, as described below; the changes are highlighted in yellow.

  *   URS Rules<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y2APc2v_YFC6OD5ptpwUOFsrRg2NafaE-PBdu9TwUr0>
  *   URS Procedure<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jOzQqIMl24OcaGdKFV3C4VQTUw7DJOU1A8vWtAxrlLk> - A sentence was added at the end of paragraph 4.2.
  *   URS Technical Requirements<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nPaLpi1tZDmRCMza3Qad2aQdE-e4qAzB1wZTDBQDc7A>
  *   PDDRP Rules<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KWShN4RwWGAxDVYO8JTFVwoPTi2ATWziwfQnoxEz2-U>
  *   RPM Requirements<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k1-8Si0N0okWKxBdSuWOb3T8ITEKkr5V7KW7NsueeoU> - The following changes were made:
     *   Added text to support the use of a claims notice acknowledgment as long as the claims notice has not been updated to support Implementation Guidance #5.
     *   As described in RFC9361, the validity period of a claims notice acknowledgment and expiration duration of the claims notice were set to a value based on operational practice defined during development, but the values were not defined by the policy. The values are now defined in this document.
     *   The validity period of the claims notice acknowledgment is set to 7 days to support Implementation Guidance #5, as suggested by participants in the IRT.
     *   The upper limit for the validity of a claims notice is set to 12 months to support Implementation Guidance #5.
     *   Clarified the language about the need to implement a new internet draft (i.e., https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-icann-tmch-func-spec-updates/) to support the changes in this document.
     *   Added a new data element in the notice to show the last time that the contents changed.
     *   Made a few editorial updates.

We would be grateful if you could provide your comments directly in the document or via the mailing list before 18 August 2023.

Following the conclusion of the public comment period, ICANN org will work with the IRT to review and consider further updates to the impacted procedural documents, as needed.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Antonietta, Gustavo, Lars, and Elisa
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