[RPM-IRT] RPM IRT | Items to Review & Meeting at ICANN77

Barnett, Griffin (WDC) GBarnett at perkinscoie.com
Tue Jun 6 22:44:15 UTC 2023

Hi Elisa and ICANN Staff team,

I have no problem with postponing the IRT meeting until July (not holding an in-person meeting during ICANN77).  If that’s the case, presumably we would also defer the input deadline on the most recent document.

In the meantime, let us know the best way to provide input on the doc -- should we request access individually to the Google Doc to add comments in the margins, or should we just provide feedback via reply email?


Griffin Barnett | Perkins Coie LLP
E. GBarnett at perkinscoie.com<mailto:%20GBarnett at perkinscoie.com>

From: RPM-IRT <rpm-irt-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Elisa Busetto
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:57 AM
To: rpm-irt at icann.org
Subject: [RPM-IRT] RPM IRT | Items to Review & Meeting at ICANN77

Dear All,

As discussed during the IRT meeting on 24 May 2023<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/community.icann.org/x/RwQ5Dg__;!!K_R5ZAeIjLw!DGBY-8ol-2brZP7Ti2xUWJug37Zk_VClXPhfc_Rt6WQHujnPX6Khg2xgaeXHjgKoR0bYauOyeGrMbaY8rx9VWbGtdeA$>, we would like to have your input on the document “RPM P1 Implementation: Addressing Open Items from Recommendations in Group 1<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1wkjrHNQQ7emswSJTQvDo6jjUUeuiIl3Hyqrzdw9Abrk/edit__;!!K_R5ZAeIjLw!DGBY-8ol-2brZP7Ti2xUWJug37Zk_VClXPhfc_Rt6WQHujnPX6Khg2xgaeXHjgKoR0bYauOyeGrMbaY8rx9VpY_kRZk$>”. We would appreciate it if you could review it and provide your feedback before next Monday, 12 June.

In addition, we would like to suggest postponing the RPM IRT meeting that is supposed to take place during ICANN77, on 15 June, to July. This would allow the IRT to have sufficient time to review the above-mentioned document as well as the impacted procedural documents that will be published for public comment. Alternatively, if you would like to keep this meeting and do a run through for the benefit of the community on the work accomplished to date, please let us know before Thursday, 8 June.

Should you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to share them with the group.

Best regards,
Antonietta, Elisa, Lars and Leon


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