[RSSAC Caucus] RSS Metrics work party -- purpose of metrics

Wessels, Duane dwessels at verisign.com
Fri Jul 19 21:42:34 UTC 2019

Dear RSSAC Caucus,

The RSS Metrics work party has been of two minds somewhat with the purpose
of the proposed metrics.  On one hand we want metrics that can be used to
measure service levels.  On the other, we want measurements that could be
used to characterize end user experiences and for research into resolver
behavior.  The purpose of the metrics affects decisions, such as the
location and operation of measurement vantage points.

In order to make progress, the work party chairs and shepherds recommend
that we limit the scope to metrics designed to measure service levels.  If
we can achieve consensus on this point, then the work party can advance
to discussions and decisions about vantage point locations.

Resolver behavior and other uses of metrics can be addressed in future
revisions of this work or another work party if so desired.

If there is any opposition to this proposal, please share your thoughts
either on the list, or at the upcoming work party meeting on July 22 so
we can discuss, reach consensus and ultimately make progress.

Duane / Russ

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