[RSSAC Caucus] Threat Mitigation for the Root Server System

Mallory Knodel mallory at article19.org
Tue Oct 1 18:45:55 UTC 2019

On 01/10/2019 17:48, Wes Hardaker wrote:
>     Is there a reason it wasn't published through the RSSAC process? 
> I would personally say that the contents of the document was very
> technically tied to the *implementation* of the RSS at the various root
> server operators, and how the current operator deployment architectures
> address the perceived threats.  This is very different (and subtly the
> same, yes) as the remit of RSSAC which is at the policy level, how
> should it perform as a whole, what are the requirements of the larger
> system, what does the community need of the RSS, etc type of questioning.
I agree with Joe that this document is helpful and interesting, but also
that I would have comments or questions were it being developed in an
RSSAC process.

Thanks Wes for your take on this. Would there be a need or an interest
in taking what is in this document into discussions at the policy level?


Mallory Knodel
Head of Digital :: article19.org
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