[RSSAC Caucus] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2 RSSAC Lexicon version 2

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Fri Feb 14 01:52:34 UTC 2020

On Feb 13, 2020, at 4:08 PM, Geoff Huston <gih at apnic.net> wrote:

> a) why does DITL rate a special mention?

It is a term that appears in other RSSAC documents that is not widely known by all readers.

> b) why is anycast not mentioned specifically?

We tried but failed. Different folks have very different views of how to define it. Do you feel that a definition of anycast is required in order to understand instances? If so, what part?

> c) why the use of the term "root server” used as a collective noun, whereas the industry convention is to use the term “server” in a more unitary sense to denote an instance of a operating system stack. I had heard in the past the term “root letter” to denote the collection of instances operated by a root server operator, and the use of “root server” in this context is a new one on me

This was heavily discussed on the list over the past month. So far, there is a strong agreement not to use "root letter" or anything about letters. 

--Paul Hoffman
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