Ray Bellis ray at isc.org
Thu Feb 20 13:14:34 UTC 2020

On 20/02/2020 13:07, Andrew McConachie wrote:
> Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,
> Thanks everyone who submitted edits to RSSAC002v4. The review period
> ended on Feb 17th and I have incorporated all edits received. None of
> them were particularly major. Section 10.4 has been updated to list the
> major changes from v3 to v4.
> If no comments are received by*Sunday February 23* this document will be
> forwarded to the RSSAC for voting.
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1na7VpPYfo4VEBfQMHwix6I2Puohvc1hvwRh0aW1cmFE/edit?usp=sharing
I missed any discussion relating to this change:

"Section 3.5 (The Number of Sources Seen) was amended to remove text
stating that the “num-sources-*” measurements are optional and will be
reviewed after 3 years."

I don't agree with it, and as an Operator I am technically unable to
fully comply with it.  We can only produce figures from a subset of our

Ray Bellis
Director of DNS Operations, ISC.

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