ryan stephenson rystephenson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 18:19:29 UTC 2020

Minor correction.  Section 3.4.  Second paragraph.   instancess should be

The RCODE distribution is a raw count of the RCODE values observed in
responses generated by the RSO’s instancess during the reporting period.
Note in particular that this measurement should exclude any DNS response
messages that may be sent to a RSI.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 8:15 AM Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:

> On 20/02/2020 13:07, Andrew McConachie wrote:
> > Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,
> >
> > Thanks everyone who submitted edits to RSSAC002v4. The review period
> > ended on Feb 17th and I have incorporated all edits received. None of
> > them were particularly major. Section 10.4 has been updated to list the
> > major changes from v3 to v4.
> >
> > If no comments are received by*Sunday February 23* this document will be
> > forwarded to the RSSAC for voting.
> >
> > <
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1na7VpPYfo4VEBfQMHwix6I2Puohvc1hvwRh0aW1cmFE/edit?usp=sharing
> >
> I missed any discussion relating to this change:
> "Section 3.5 (The Number of Sources Seen) was amended to remove text
> stating that the “num-sources-*” measurements are optional and will be
> reviewed after 3 years."
> I don't agree with it, and as an Operator I am technically unable to
> fully comply with it.  We can only produce figures from a subset of our
> nodes.
> Ray Bellis
> Director of DNS Operations, ISC.
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