Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Fri Feb 21 10:34:24 UTC 2020

> On Feb 20, 2020, at 14:14, Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:
> On 20/02/2020 13:07, Andrew McConachie wrote:
>> Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,
>> Thanks everyone who submitted edits to RSSAC002v4. The review period
>> ended on Feb 17th and I have incorporated all edits received. None of
>> them were particularly major. Section 10.4 has been updated to list the
>> major changes from v3 to v4.
>> If no comments are received by*Sunday February 23* this document will be
>> forwarded to the RSSAC for voting.
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1na7VpPYfo4VEBfQMHwix6I2Puohvc1hvwRh0aW1cmFE_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIF-g&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=KNEpS67O2txk54bIz-1lXP0tI5Rmtg88Ogwh6PVSGXJyTMuY0E2SHr70jrG3fGLJ&m=xNeeIOeCu_79gMNoJqaOwVqG9g3ZLjdzRfFpd74x3Ho&s=YvldvV9aF7fGKBPWVhfX5Y0_cYe86ao7dQXAyaktXPE&e= > 
> I missed any discussion relating to this change:
> "Section 3.5 (The Number of Sources Seen) was amended to remove text
> stating that the “num-sources-*” measurements are optional and will be
> reviewed after 3 years."
> I don't agree with it, and as an Operator I am technically unable to
> fully comply with it.  We can only produce figures from a subset of our
> nodes.

Hi Ray,

Thanks for raising this concern.

The following text is in this section in RSSAC002v3:
"This set of metrics is marked as optional for a 3-year period following the acceptance and publication of version 1 of this document by RSSAC. As experience grows with fine-grained reporting from many operational root-server instances these values can be phased in over this 3-year period. In case experience shows that these values provide little value overall, or constitute a memory exhaustion attack upon monitoring infrastructure, an amendment should be issued by RSSAC to deprecate the documented collection of this data.”

The above paragraph and the metric num-sources-ipv6 have been removed from section 3.5 in the draft of RSSAC002v4.

If the Caucus would like the collection of num-sources-ipv4 and num-sources-ipv6-aggregate to become optional I recommend a single sentence at the end of the section. Something like, “The collection of these two values is optional.”

Then in section 6.6 we will need some way to distinguish between num-sources-* with zero counts, and num-sources-* that are not being collected. Suggestions are welcome.


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