[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] 48 HOUR LAST CALL : RSSAC002v4

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Tue Feb 25 09:32:43 UTC 2020

> On Feb 24, 2020, at 21:10, John Heidemann <johnh at isi.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 10:45:37 +0000, Andrew McConachie wrote: 
>>> On Feb 21, 2020, at 23:52, Ray Bellis <ray at isc.org> wrote:
>>> On 21/02/2020 22:33, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>>> Just to be clear: are you saying that you can only produce figures
>>>> for Section 3.5 (number of sources seen) for a subset of your nodes,
>>>> or that you can only produce figures for a subset of your nodes for
>>>> *all* the measurements? If the latter, that's going to mess up the
>>>> evaluation of the measurements for the whole RSS. Even if it is just
>>>> the former, that will make the measurements in Section 3.5 be not
>>>> comparable to the other sections.
>>> Only for the unique sources measurement.
>> Hi Ray,
>> I changed section 6.6 to mark the ‘unique-sources’ metric as optional. This is reflected in the changelog as well.
>> This change means that if the 'unique-sources' metric is produced by an RSO they must provide values for both 'num-sources-ipv4' and 'num-sources-ipv6-aggregate’. So produce values for both or produce values for neither.
>> I would like to hear from other RSO’s if this approach is OK or if a different approach is needed.
> Ray asked the important question: is this metric useful.
> Wearing my "researcher" hat: yes, we have found number of unique-sources
> in RSSAC data useful to indicate when a RSO is subject to an attack with
> spoofed sources.
> But I can understand the challenge in computing this metric.  It is by
> far the most stressful (least compressible).
> Rather than just declaring the metric optional, what about declaring the
> precision of the answer variable?  Perhaps adding a
> "fraction-of-traffic-for-sources" field, which for some RSOs would be 1
> and others might be less than 1?  There is value in a num-sources even
> if it's based on a 10% sample of traffic, or 10% of anycast sites, and
> a sampled value might be easier for some RSOs to compute.
> (And yes, I recognize that sampling could be non-uniform.)
>   -John
Hi John,

I think the idea of a percent-instances-sampled makes a lot of sense, I’m just concerned about adding it this late in the process of RSSAC002v4. Is it OK to postpone this suggestion until RSSAC002v5?

I can imagine a fair amount of discussion surrounding how exactly to measure precision given the different operating environments. 


>> Thanks,
>> Andrew
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