[RSSAC Caucus] Rogue Operator Work Party: what to include for "rogue"

Paul Muchene Paul.Muchene at icann.org
Sun Nov 1 21:54:43 UTC 2020

> Paul,
> I don't think it makes sense to include all 11 principles (and examples) in the rogue document.  I think it would be hard to find good examples of going rogue for each of the 11 principles.
> The real question is whether to include only the "obvious" ones which are objective and as you say are easily measured, or to also include some of the more subjective principles.  
> I lean towards omitting the subjective cases in this first revision, especially if no one is willing to contribute text for them.


Going by what you’ve stated, of the four principles outlined in the WP document only principles #2 and #6 will stand this test as they are deemed “obvious”/objective since they are measurable. Does this mean, principles #7 and #11 which are more subjective should be omitted? 


Paul M 
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