[RSSAC Caucus] Caucus Work Party: Local Perspective writing group meeting summary

Harish Chowdhary intern3tgovernance at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 02:31:31 UTC 2021

Thanks for the update,
Harish Chowdhary

On Fri, Feb 19, 2021, 5:38 AM Renard, Kenneth D CTR USARMY DEVCOM ARL (USA)
via rssac-caucus <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:

> The Local Perspective Work Party core writing team met on Wednesday 16
> Feb.  We discussed the updates to Peter Devries' user narrative on a
> recursive operator wanting to understand their perspective of the RSS.  The
> primary measurements were Accuracy, Availability, Latency, and Zone
> Transfer Quality (availability and accuracy).  We decided to remove the”
> Zone Transfer Quality” description.  While this measurement may be useful
> to a recursive operator, it is not an official service provided by the RSS
> and should be out of scope for this tool.  We discussed whether the tool
> should do signature validation or not.  Both sides of the argument were
> discussed and we want to get input from the larger group on this subject.
> The document was cleaned up a bit and initial text for a few sections
> [“Introduction”, Recommendations”, “Requirements”, and “Conclusions”] were
> proposed and will be further populated over the next few days.
> Proposed Agenda for work party meeting on 22 Feb:
>    1. Overview of latest changes to document
>    2. Discussion of whether tool should perform DNSSEC validation or save
>    signature records for later validation
>    3. Review new sections of document
> The document is at:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11slZDTqrcwTwywpbi3JwHuU_FoaoN54u0f3B2UFjUv4/edit#
> Please feel free to provide comments as suggestions in the Google Document
> or via the rssac-caucus mail list
> Ken Renard
> S&TCD Contractor – ICF
> Sustaining Base Network Assurance Branch
> C5ISR Center, Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate
> Office:  443-395-7809
> kenneth.d.renard.ctr at mail.mil
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