[RSSAC Caucus] Rogue Operator Work Party: writing team summary and agenda for meeting on 23 Feb

Ken Renard kdrenard2 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 14:35:47 UTC 2021

The core writing team for the Rogue Operator Work Party met on 17 February.  We discussed the following:

1.  While the primary audience is a future governance body, we expect some casual readers (the word "rogue" will attract curious minds).

2.  The section on "Damage that can be done by a rogue operator" was reduced and moved to the introduction, setting the tone for "why we care" about rogue operators

3.  The background section is largely technical and may not be necessary for the discussion and audience.  We plan to reduce this section to only the technical information needed to understand the rest of the document.

4.  Objective examples of Rogue behavior.  Added descriptive title to each example for document flow and readability.  These titles are suggestions and we are looking for refinement.

5.  Wes added text in the description of subjective examples of rogue operators that separated rogue organizations versus rogue individuals.

6.  Subjective example #3 was reworded to move emphasis from "making statements" to "reducing the trust in the RSS".  We might need more descriptive text here.

Agenda for meeting on 23 February 2021:

1.  Review latest changes to document
2.  Discussion of new text, sections
3.  Detection of rogue operators -- what (if anything) should we say?  (“It’s hard to do”)
4.  Recommendations section

The document is at:

	https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XS2dIl_Sv1f7e4pA19QHnHEmLgRSkgEI2-zD7Tp0hog/edit# <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XS2dIl_Sv1f7e4pA19QHnHEmLgRSkgEI2-zD7Tp0hog/edit#>

We encourage you to review and provide comments in the document, on this mail list, or at the next meeting on 23 February 2021 at 1300 UTC

-Ken Renard
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