[RSSAC Caucus] Summary of Local Perspective Work Party meeting: 25 January 2021

Renard, Kenneth D CTR USARMY CCDC C5ISR (USA) kenneth.d.renard.ctr at mail.mil
Fri Jan 29 18:41:56 UTC 2021

Document link:



The Local Perspective Work Party met on 25 January 2021.  The primary topics of discussion were:

Adjusting the scope of the document in section 1.2

It was suggested to drop 3 bullets from the scope (bullets 2, 3, and 7) to focus on the tool that collects the information versus the exact analysis that will be done on the data.  There was some question on whether these bullets should actually be removed.  Given the discussion on the "underserved" narrative, we should revisit these bullets later.

"Underserved" use case.

This use case was re-written to remove the math of the proposed analysis and focus on what data should be collected to support a reasonable analysis.  A few measurements had been removed (traceroute and query to non-root authoritative servers), but there was good support for putting these measurements back in.  It was suggested that the queries to all Root Server Identities (RSIs) query for “version.bind” along with requesting the NSID from the server. (something like 'dig @<RSI> +nsid CHAOS TXT version.bind').  For comparing round-trip times of root servers versus "something else", it was suggested that queries be made to well-known, open DNS services such as CloudFlare or Google DNS.  Queries should be for some record that these organizations are authoritative for.

Relation to RIPE Atlas

While it is not a requirement or driving factor, measurement parity between this tool and RIPE Atlas probes would be ideal.  Having an instantaneous base of 10k+ measurement points and a solid platform for querying results would be highly beneficial.

Potential for hosting data collected by the tool

We wish to have an easy method for obtaining measurements (such as a shell script for Unix systems) outside of obtaining a RIPE Atlas probe.  The RSSAC is exploring funding to build and maintain a collection system for data from this tool.

Ignatius Nkrumah volunteered to outline a "recommendations" section to be discussed at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the work party is scheduled for Monday, 22 February 2021 at 16:00 UTC.


The work party document is at:




Please feel free to add comments or suggestions to the document or discuss on the rssac-caucus mail list.


Ken Renard

S&TCD Contractor – ICF

Sustaining Base Network Assurance Branch 

C5ISR Center, Space and Terrestrial Communications Directorate

Office:  443-395-7809

kenneth.d.renard.ctr at mail.mil


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