[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC001v2 WP Meeting#2 Notes

Steve Sheng steve.sheng at icann.org
Mon Aug 29 16:23:17 UTC 2022

Dear RSSAC Caucus Members,

Here are the recordings from today’s RSSAC001v2 Work Party meeting. August 29, 2022.
< https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/pdYwZSz-b03hiXBkHVLbG3L6d3Y5JWnNiCTzfFExtblfzF4jqO3l7PE2Pp0lzx8.GP4sNYEQWNU7tUS8?startTime=1661785350000>

The WP selected Duane Wessels to lead the WP. 
The WP will meet at ICANN75 (with remote participation) on Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 02:30 UTC (10:30 MYT)

Staff to compile RSO responses to RSSAC001. 
WP members to study RSSAC001 in detail and propose suggestions to the working document. 
WP members to study RSSAC001 section 3 in detail and decide whether the expectations are in the right section. 

_Topics for further discussion_
How to phrase the requirements in RSSAC001v2?  
What’s RSSAC001v2’s relationship with RFC7720: (1) fold RFC7720 into RSSAC001v2, (2) update RFC7720 in tandem with RSSAC001v2? (3) ???
Adding a terminology section? 
Adding a motivation paragraph in each of the sections in 3.1, and possibly link to RSSAC055? 

Working Document

Steve Sheng

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