[RSSAC Caucus] RFC7720 vs RSSAC001 Was: RSSAC001v2 WP Meeting#2 Notes

Marc Blanchet marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca
Mon Aug 29 16:33:16 UTC 2022

> Le 29 août 2022 à 12:23, Steve Sheng <steve.sheng at icann.org> a écrit :

> _Topics for further discussion_
> How to phrase the requirements in RSSAC001v2?  
> What’s RSSAC001v2’s relationship with RFC7720: (1) fold RFC7720 into RSSAC001v2, (2) update RFC7720 in tandem with RSSAC001v2? (3) ???

Humm. I think we have discussed that in length, especially when Lars and I were editing RFC7720. IETF specifies the high-level requirements from its point of view. ICANN/RSO may go further with their own service requirements. The predecessor of RFC7720 (RFC2870) had exactly the issue of going way too far into service requirements and we move out these in its update which became RFC7720.

I think RFC7720 and RSSAC001 should remain (structurally) as they are:  RFC7720 is referenced in RSSAC001. When needed, IETF may update its own RFC7720 on his own pace based on its view, and RSSAC001 can be updated at its own pace too. I don’t think it is a good idea to fold/copy RFC7720 into RSSAC001. 

Sorry if I’m off since I was not on the call today.

Regards, Marc.

> Adding a terminology section? 
> Adding a motivation paragraph in each of the sections in 3.1, and possibly link to RSSAC055? 
> Working Document
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fTRTplssJUayL6XD-qAmkGltXOxmeuPe/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100117360554257856034&rtpof=true&sd=true>
> Thanks, 
> Steve Sheng
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