[RSSAC Caucus] Question about root-servers.org

Andrew McConachie andrew.mcconachie at icann.org
Fri Jul 1 09:20:34 UTC 2022

Hi Alejandro,

One thing that has tripped me up in the past is the difference between sites and instances. Each RSI has multiple sites and each site can have 1-to-many instances. What you see on the map is sites, not instances.

At the bottom of the page for each RSI there is a link to JSON data and that is what the world map gets drawn from. So to rephrase your question would be; How often do RSOs update their JSON files hosted at root-servers.org <http://root-servers.org/>?

I don’t know the answer to this question, but hopefully this helps clarify a little.


> On 1 Jul 2022, at 05:17, Alejandro Acosta <alejandro at lacnic.net> wrote:
> Hello there,
>    Hope this is a good place to ask this :-)  difficult to imagine a better place.
>    Excuse my question, I promise that I ask it 100% in good faith.
>    My question is: how reliable/accurate the page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://root-servers.org__;!!PtGJab4!_0HDIENRayiMHDhkuYW-a7_aNhM7l-TwWH_vRmocO4M9VL75IwT0fz9HH70XUx62OBs69yR6q89NPh7nxpvMFbaNSxUARec$ [root-servers[.]org]  is?.
>    I mean, I assume that the information is correct, you (not pointing anybody in particular) try to keep it as updated as possible but sometimes I have been told that there are countries that have X root servers but on root-servers.org it says that they have N.   I guess the information is not updated immediately but approximately how much time to update a country/city it takes when a new root server is installed/removed?
>   Are there any chances for example a root server got broken 3 years ago still listed (or vice verse, got installed but not listed)?.
>   Thanks again,
> Alejandro,
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