[RSSAC Caucus] Informal gathering at IETF 114 for the RSSAC Caucus call

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Thu Jul 21 20:32:12 UTC 2022

Greetings again. Some of us who will on the RSSAC Caucus call on Sunday will also be at the IETF 114 meeting. Because the Caucus meeting is virtual, we don't have a room reserved. I thought maybe people would want to be on the call together in the same area of the hotel instead of us sitting in our hotel rooms.

To that end, I'll be sitting somewhat near the Terminal Room (Salon 10), probably on the floor in the hallway, in case others want to also sit together watching our laptops. (We should not be in the Terminal Room because talking there is frowned upon, for good reason.) If the hallway doesn't work out, oh well, but I thought it is worth a try.

--Paul Hoffman

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