[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] Informal gathering at IETF 114 for the RSSAC Caucus call

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at icann.org
Sun Jul 24 12:23:01 UTC 2022

On Jul 23, 2022, at 5:42 PM, Fred Baker <fredbakersba at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for thinking about this. You might also consider the sign-up room that IETF has...

I had thought of that, but the sign-up rooms start on Monday. The informal place we ware meeting, "outside the Terminal Room (Salon 10)" is near a few rooms that might be vacant. We should be respectful that the IETF normally charges groups like ours for the use of rooms on the weekends and keep this informal and be willing to move if asked.

--Paul Hoffman

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